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900 E. Broad Street
Richmond, VA
23219 USA

Hours: Mon - Fri (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

Phone No. 804-646-6430

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Broad Street Gateway and Corridor Improvements Project


Pardon the disruption, we are working to make Broad Street better.

Webpage updated 8-5-2022

Construction Timeframe: Spring 2022 - Fall 2023, weather permitting

This project is intended to enhance the overall character of Broad Street, complement the Pulse BRT project, and establish a unified design for one of the City’s primary gateway corridors utilizing state and federal funds through VDOT’s SMART SCALE program.

The Streetscape project limits are from Hamilton Street to Laurel Street and improvements are limited to the public right-of-way. The project will replace sidewalks throughout the corridor and upgrade curb ramps to improve accessibility for pedestrians, wheelchair users, people with visual impairments etc. New trees will be planted to provide greenery and shade to pedestrians and street furniture such as benches, trash cans, and bike racks will be placed along Broad Street. Decorative light fixtures will be installed on existing poles to illuminate sidewalks for additional pedestrian safety at night. To improve traffic safety, curb bump-outs will be constructed to guide vehicles through existing lane shifts and prevent illegal parking. At locations where properties have multiple access points to a parking lot or property, select driveway entrances on Broad Street will be permanently closed to further improve traffic safety and reduce rear end crashes.

The Pulse BRT Red Pavement project will install red-colored pavement marking in the dedicated bus-only lanes from I-195 to 1st Street. The project is funded through a Department of Rail and Public Transit grant and is intended to improve driver and pedestrian awareness of the dedicated bus-only lanes, reduce unauthorized use of the bus-only lanes, and improve bus operations.

The paving project limits are from 3rd Street to the city/county line just west of Staples Mill Road.

Quick Notes:

  • Project work will overlap 
  • There will be intermittent travel lane, parking lane, and sidewalk closures during the project and some street closures will be necessary
  • Generally, there will be at least one lane of traffic will remain open in each direction

Work Notice Update - posted 8-5-2022

  • PULSE BRT Project - Phase 2  BUS-ONLY Application |  Location and Timeframe | along Broad Street from I-195 to 3rd Street - Application is scheduled to start August 15 - more details coming soon
    • Now that the application of red pavement painting has been completed the next step is to add the BUS-ONLY pavement markings 
      • NOTE: the "BUS ONLY" markings is scheduled to start August 15 - more details coming soonThe work requires the PULSE lane and the adjacent general purpose travel lanes to be closed during the application process
  • Streetscape| This portion of the project started in April and will be on-going with an expected completion date in the Fall 2023.
    • Each week the contractors move to a new section of Broad Street (between the project boundaries of Broad Street between Hamilton and Laurel streets)
    • .​​​​​Starting August 8, the contractors are heading east and will be working the south side of Broad Street at Arthur Ashe Boulevard
    • All current work is happening in the sidewalk with either sidewalk repair or replacement 
    • The contractors are currently moving east on Broad Street
    • *** CLICK on the Streetscape Project TAB below for more information  ***

Image- Broad Street Streetscape Project Overview



  • PULSE Red BRT Pavement - Phase I  | application of the red pavement started June 21 ahead of schedule. Initially expected to be completed by mid-August, the painting portion of this project has been completed
    • Westbound:
      • (1st) 3rd to Belvedere - completed
      • (2nd) Belvedere to Meadow - completed
      • (3rd) Meadows to Arthur Ashe Blvd - completed
      • (4th) Arthur Ashe to I-195 - completed
    • Eastbound:
      • (5th) I-195 to Arthur Ashe - completed 
      • (6th) Arthur Ashe to Meadows - completed 
      • (7th) Meadows to Belvedere - completed 
      • (8th) Belvedere to 3rd - completed
  • PAVING | Paving is complete - 33 days ahead of the planned schedule.
    • Stop bars and crosswalk marking have been installed.
    • Pavement markings:
      • Pavement markings west of I-195 have been completed
      • Pavement markings east of I-195 are in the scope of the red pavement contractor
  • Quick Notes - Paving will be a 24-hour operation, starting at 6 p.m. on Sunday and ending at 6 p.m. on Friday with lane closures limited during morning and evening peak hours
    • No paving work on the weekends - starting at 6 p.m. on Friday and ending at 6 p.m. on Sunday
    • There will be no on-street paving in the designated areas (segments) during paving
    • Paving work will be completed in five (5) segments
    • Each segment will be done from the outside lanes to the inside, north side, then returning on the south side

Image - Pulse Red BRT Pavement along Broad Street


Press Releases

  • Press Release - Broad Street Paving and Streetscape Improvements Projects coming soon (April 5, 2022)
  • Press Release - Pulse BRT red lane painting on Broad Street commences (June 21, 2022)

Project Managers:

Image - Broad Street Projects

Streetscape Project


Weekly Project Update posted 8-5-2022

  • Streetscape| This portion of the project started in April and is an on-going project with an expected completion date in the Fall 2023.
    • Each week the contractors move to a new section of Broad Street (between the project boundaries of Broad Street between Hamilton and Laurel streets)
    • .​​​​​Starting August 8, the contractors are heading east and will be working the south side of Broad Street at Arthur Ashe Boulevard
    • All current work is happening in the sidewalk with either sidewalk repair and/or replacement 
    • ***See the list of planned improvements/construction and installations below ***

Project timeframe: Spring 2022 - Fall 2023

Area: Construction along Broad Street from Hamilton to Laurel Streets 


Image - Rendering of Broad Street Streetscape Improvement Project

Streetscape Project Cost: $6 million

Streetscape improvements include the installation an/or construction of:

  • Sidewalks
  • Curbs (entrances & curb extensions)
  • Traffic islands
  • ADA curb ramps
  • Tree wells (new landscaping and trees)
  • Pavement markings and traffic signs
  • Lighting Improvements
  • New street furniture (benches/bike racks/trash cans)
  • Limited conduit and electrical wiring to power bike share stations
  • Ornamental pedestrian light fixtures

Project Manager: Yongping Wang

PULSE BRT Red Pavement Painting Project


Updated 8-5-2022 

  • PULSE BRT Project - Phase 2  BUS-ONLY Application |  Location and Timeframe | along Broad Street from I-195 to 3rd Street - Application is scheduled to start August15 - more details coming soon
    • Now that the application of red pavement painting has been completed the next step is to add the BUS-ONLY pavement markings
      • NOTE: the "BUS ONLY" markings is scheduled to start August 15 - more details coming soonThe work requires the PULSE lane and the adjacent general purpose travel lanes to be closed during the application process


  • PULSE Red BRT Pavement - Phase I  | application of the red pavement started June 21 ahead of schedule. Initially expected to be completed by mid-August, the painting portion of this project has been completed
    • Westbound:
      • (1st) 3rd to Belvedere - completed
      • (2nd) Belvedere to Meadow - completed
      • (3rd) Meadows to Arthur Ashe Blvd - completed
      • (4th) Arthur Ashe to I-195 - completed
    • Eastbound:
      • (5th) I-195 to Arthur Ashe - completed 
      • (6th) Arthur Ashe to Meadows - completed 
      • (7th) Meadows to Belvedere - completed 
      • (8th) Belvedere to 3rd - completed



The PULSE  BRT Red Pavement Project will install red-colored pavement markings in the dedicated bus-only lanes on Broad Street from I-195 to 3rd Street. The project was funded through a Department of Rail and Public Transit grant and is intended to improve driver and pedestrian awareness of the dedicated bus-only lanes, reduce unauthorized use of the bus-only lanes, and improve bus operations.

Project Manager: Kenny Horak

Paving Project


Project Manager: Kenny Horak

  • PAVING | Paving is complete - 33 days ahead of the planned schedule.
    • Stop bars and crosswalk marking have been installed.
    • Pavement markings:
      • Pavement markings west of I-195 have been completed
      • Pavement markings east of I-195 are in the scope of the red pavement contractor
  • Paving Timeframe: April 10 - Summer 2022 - COMPLETED

Area: Broad Street from 3rd Street to the City/County line just west of Staples Mill Road

Paving work will be completed in five (5) segments. Each segment will be done from the outside lanes to the inside, north side, then returning on the south side:

  • 3rd Street to Belvidere Street
  • Belvidere Street to Meadow Street/Hermitage Road
  • Meadow Street/Hermitage Road to Arthur Ashe Boulevard
  • Arthur Ashe Boulevard to Hamilton Street
  • Hamilton Street to the county line

Paving will be a 24-hour operation, Sunday evening through Friday evening with lane closures limited during morning and evening peak hours. No work on weekends (starting at 6 p.m. Friday evening and ending at 6 p.m. Sunday evening) Some complete closures will be necessary.

Richmond Signal System Project - Phase III


Timeframe: April through December 2022

Area: Thompson Street to Staples Mill

Project details: installing conduit junction boxes and fiber-optic lines to existing traffic signals

Note: Work will primarily be in the sidewalks

  • Traffic signal upgrades also coming to the following areas:
    • the intersection of Broad and Westmoreland
      • Timeframe: May 2022 - October 2022
    • the intersection of Broad and Commonwealth
      • Timeframe: May 2023 - October 2023

Image Richmond Signal System Project on Broad Street - Phase III


The Department of Public Works (DPW) operates and maintains 480 traffic signalized intersections. Since 2009, the Department has been diligently working to expand the signal system infrastructure and associated communications assets to integrate all signalized intersections in the City into a centralized traffic signal system. Currently, the City can communicate with 400 of the signalized intersections using Econolite Centracs© traffic signal central system software, a state-of-the-art communication network. 

The project will install modern traffic signal controllers, traffic signal cabinets, communications equipment, and CCTV cameras. Phase III includes north of the James River in the western, northern, and eastern parts of the City.

The Downtown area was completed in Phase I and South of the James River in Phase II. Communications between the traffic signal central system and each traffic signal controller provide enhanced remote monitoring, optimized and efficient signal coordination, transit signal priority along the Pulse Corridor, special events management, and maintenance capabilities, which benefit the City and all roadway users. 

Funding for this $7.3 million project was provided through the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program from the Federal Highway Administration and the Virginia Department of Transportation. The project is also in partnership with the Richmond Regional Transportation Planning Organization.

Project Manager: Enrique Burgos

Public Utility Waterline Project


Timeframe: Construction expected in the spring of 2023

Area: Along Broad Street from 3rd Street to I-95



Project Manager: Jonathan Cosby

Image - Broad Street Project - Overview Graphic