City of Richmond Social Services
Marshall Plaza Building
900 E. Marshall Street
Richmond, VA
23219 USA
Customer Care Center:
Call 3-1-1
(804) 646-7212 (Outside Richmond Area)
Adult Protective Services:
(804) 646-7405
After normal business hours
(888) 832-3858
How do I apply for benefits?
Call: (855) 635-4370
Fax paper application to:
(804) 646-7018
Drop Box at Marshall Plaza
(900 E. Marshall Street)
Drop Box at Southside Plaza
(4100 Hull Street)
Marshall Plaza Building
900 East Marshall Street
Richmond, VA 23219-1538
South Richmond:
Southside Community Services Center
4100 Hull Street Road
Richmond, VA 23224-1745
Virginia P-EBT 4 Nutrition Assistance Program
The Virginia Department of Social Services in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Education will launch P-EBT 4 in Virginia. This nutrition assistance program was extended to help school-aged children with no access or limited access to free or reduced priced meals due to the public health emergency. The benefits for this round of P-EBT are retroactive starting October 2021 through June 2022. The first issuance will begin on Wednesday, May 25, 2022.
The eligibility requirements for P-EBT4 benefits. Note: the school the student attends must first be deemed eligible before the student may become eligible. We anticipate a significant decrease in eligible students.
A school is eligible for P-EBT if the following conditions are met: | A student is eligible for P-EBT benefits if the following conditions are met: |
The school is closed or operating at reduced hours for five (5) consecutive days because of a COVID related issue, | The student attends a school that participates in the National School Lunch or Breakfast Program (NSLP or NBSP) that meets school eligibility requirements, |
AND the school participates in the National School Lunch or Breakfast Program | AND qualifies for free or reduced-priced meals, |
AND was absent from school because of a documented COVID-19 related issue. |

WHAT: The Richmond Department of Social Services will hold its Advisory Board Meeting electronically.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 16, 2022
WHERE: This meeting will be held through electronic communication means pursuant to and in compliance with Ordinance No. 2020-093, adopted April 9, 2020 by Richmond City Council.
This meeting will be open to participation through electronic communication means by the public and closed to in-person participation by the public. Board members and other staff will participate by teleconference/videoconference via Microsoft Teams.
Click here for a copy of the meeting agenda
Instructions on how to access the meeting are provided below.
Click here to Join the Microsoft Teams Meeting
Audio only option:
Dial: *67-804-316-9457
Confrence ID: 787 090 334#
(Note: Dialing *67 prevents your phone number from being displayed publically.)
Please mute your phone.
How to provide public comment on agenda items prior to the meeting
Citizens are encouraged to email comments in writing to in lieu of speaking through audio or video means during the meeting. All written comments received via email prior to 12:00 P.M. on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, will be provided to all members of the Advisory Board prior to the beginning of the meeting and will be included in the record of the meeting.
When submitting your comments by email, be sure to include in your email address (i) your full legal name, (ii) any organizations you represent, and (iii) any economic or professional relationships that would be affected by the matter on which you are commenting.
The person responsible for receiving written comments is Pamelia Watts, staff to the Department of Social Services.
How to provide public comment regarding items on the agenda during to the meeting
If you are accessing the meeting by phone or via Microsoft Teams and you would like to speak during the meeting’s public hearing(s), you will be asked to do so during the meeting at the appropriate time, and the applicable time limits will be enforced. The meeting organizer will facilitate public comments.
Click here to download the Advisory Board Meeting Announcement
RPS offers a free, high-quality preschool program for eligible 3 and 4 year olds and Kindergarten for all 5 year olds living in the City of Richmond.
Go to to enroll
- To apply for Preschool and to enroll in Kindergarten, you will need your child’s original birth certificate or a certified copy and two proofs of address.
- To apply for Preschool, you will also need proof of income.
- Students will need an up to date immunization record and physical (performed with in the 12 months prior to the date of entrance) before starting school.
- Families of children with special needs are encouraged to apply to preschool.
For assistance, send an email to or call (804) 780-6195.
For additional Infromation, Click the links below:
2022-2023 Preschool Requirements and Eligibility
2022-2023 Frequently Asked Questions
RPS Preschool & Kidergarten Enrollment 2022-2023_Flyer_English
RPS Preescolar y Kindergarten Inscripción 2022-2023_Flyer_Spanish