City News

Press Releases and Announcements

Mayor Stoney Announces Updated City Government Performance Review

Posted October 30, 2024


90 percent of the 228 recommendations made in 2017 were implemented, partially implemented, or an alternative solution was found

Richmond, VA – Today, Mayor Levar Stoney announced the release of an updated city government performance review during his last 100 days in office. Jim Burke and Linda Pierce, who conducted the 2017 performance review, were hired again earlier this year to comprehensively assess the City of Richmond’s progress on the 228 recommendations provided in the 2017 report. Jim and Linda are consultants from Teo Consulting.

According to their analysis, 90 percent of the 228 total recommendations were either implemented, partially implemented, or an alternative solution was found, showing significant progress on city government operations since 2017. 

“After the release of the 2017 report, my commitment was to be about the fix – to break down silos and unnecessary bureaucracy and create a strong cross-functional team that delivers for Richmonders,” said Mayor Levar Stoney. “As this report undeniably shows, we have made significant progress to improve core city agencies and make this city stronger than it was a decade ago.”

In 2017, during Mayor Stoney’s first 100 days in office, he commissioned a comprehensive performance review of city government. That review was released on May 25, 2017, and revealed “a need for improved financial controls and reporting (Finance), better hiring processes and career development (Human Resources), streamlined procurement practices (Procurement) and upgraded and integrated technology (Information Technology).”

These four departments have been the main focus of the core improvements made since 2017 given that they touch almost every other city department and can impact service delivery.

“Despite unprecedented hurdles like a global pandemic, civil unrest, and leadership turnover, the City of Richmond remained steadfast in its commitment to continuous improvement,” said Lincoln Saunders, Chief Administrative Officer. “We made some big moves over the past eight years, such as the overhaul of Human Resources, the implementation of the purchasing card program, and thorough engagement of our workforce, that have significantly improved the efficiency of how we operate and the overall culture of City Hall. I am proud of the progress we’ve made.”

The following are highlights of the progress made to date based on the consultant’s comprehensive qualitative assessment of all city departments: 

  • In 2017, we noted that Human Resources, Procurement, Finance, and Information Technology were negatively impacting the functioning of all the other areas within City Hall in various ways. The current heads of each of these departments have taken action to improve the effectiveness of their areas, thereby positively impacting City Hall. 
  • Several heads of other departments and offices noted that they have seen significant improvement in the response time of Human Resources and Procurement. HR underwent a significant reorganization in 2023. The P-card system has had a positive impact on all departments.
  • We heard that Finance and IT are working closely together to make much-needed improvements.
  • Finance has increased their staffing levels and is raising the bar on the qualifications for new staff.
  • Unlike in 2017, we heard of increased collaboration across all areas. This needs to continue and expand, but collaboration is moving in the right direction. This is an important cultural shift.
  • Similarly, staff (especially those who have been part of this administration for most or all the time) highlighted the improvement in the culture and morale within City Hall since 2017. The City has implemented a number of programs to retain skilled employees and to recruit highly qualified people to City Hall. 


Detailed information about each recommendation can be found in pages 18-130 of the attached report. On pages 1-17, you will find information reflections from the consultants on major themes and trends, as well as information about the report’s methodology.

City of Richmond Announces Participation in Sail Virginia℠ 2026

Posted October 28, 2024

Richmond, VA – On Thursday, October 10, the City of Richmond in partnership with Sail250® Virginia and Virginia Museum of History and Culture announced Tall Ships RVA as an affiliate harbor of Sail Virginia℠ 2026. With this announcement, Richmond becomes one of five Affiliate Harbors to host the tall ships.

Sail250® Virginia Host City Norfolk and it’s 10 Sail Virginia℠ 2026 Affiliate Harbors will welcome more than 60 tall ships, military, and character ships from around the world over two weekends, June 12 – 15, 2026 and June 18 – 23, 2026.

The year 2026 marks the 250th Anniversary of the nation’s founding in 1776, the United States of America’s Semiquincentennial.  For this milestone occasion, a fleet of the world’s most magnificent international tall ships, historic character vessels, and modern military ships, will again sail into the harbors of Virginia as part of the national Sail250® tour.

During June 2026, ships from 20 countries are expected to fill the harbors of Richmond, Norfolk, Hampton Roads, and Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay Region to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the nation’s founding. “This is an incredible opportunity to recognize and celebrate the importance of our military maritime services and highlight the strong partnership between Virginia and the world,” said Mayor Levar Stoney.

The City of Richmond has partnered with the Virginia Museum of History and Culture to plan and implement this historical event.

“As we look ahead to 2026, Richmond is not just anticipating an event, we’re preparing for a transformative experience that will unite people from all walks of life along the beautiful shores of this great city. Tall Ships RVA is more than a festival; it’s a journey into our shared maritime history, a celebration of sailing, and a commitment to our community and environment,” said 7th District Councilwoman Dr. Cynthia Newbille.

Richmond’s events will take place the weekend of June 12-15, 2026.

Updates will be provided as planning moves ahead on

 The Hopkins Road Transfer Station will be closed Saturday, October 26

Posted October 25, 2024

~ The facility is scheduled to reopen on Monday at 6:30 a.m. ~

RICHMOND, Va. – The Hopkins Road Waste Management Transfer Station, located at 3520 North Hopkins Road will be closed Saturday, October 26 to make repairs at the entrance. We apologize for any inconvenience this closure may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding.

The East Richmond Road Convenience Center Landfill, located at 3800 East Richmond Road will be open on Saturday, October 26 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. for small loads.

For information on the Department of Public Works, please visit us online at or email us at

We’re Social! For updates on DPW-related projects, activities and events visit us on X @DPW_RichmondVA


The City of Richmond Department of Public Works (DPW) is one of only 195 currently accredited public works agencies in the United States. DPW’s portfolio comprises a wide array of services to include leaf collection; street, sidewalk and alley maintenance; trash collection; recycling; grass cutting; graffiti removal; parking enforcement; urban forestry; street signs; traffic signals and pavement markings and civil engineering. In addition, DPW maintains upkeep on most city buildings; issues permits for working in the city’s right-of-way; manages the RVA Bike Share program and maintains the fleet of city vehicles. DPW’s operating budget comes from the general fund of the City of Richmond.  For more information about DPW services, click here or call 3-1-1

City of Richmond Department of Public Utilities hosting senior weatherization kit giveaway event

City of Richmond Department of Public Utilities hosting senior weatherization kit giveaway event


Richmond, VA – The City of Richmond Department of Public Utilities is hosting senior weatherization kit giveaway events as part of its Senior Care Program. The kits contain sample items such as weather stripping, plastic window covering, draft stopping outlet covers and an energy saving lightbulb. These items are designed to assist seniors with winterizing their homes and reducing their home heating costs. All Richmond seniors aged 65 and up are encouraged to visit on any of the following days to receive a free kit, while supplies last.



Thursday, October 24

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

North Avenue Library
2901 North Avenue

Thursday, October 31

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Southside Community Service Center
4100 Hull Street



October 24, 2024

Contact: Rhonda Johnson          

Roadway Construction & Improvement Project on Route 1 (Richmond Hwy) to Realign Hopkins Road and Harwood Street begins October 28

Posted October 23, 2024

~ Motorists should be alert in the work zone ~

RICHMOND – The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) will begin the reconstruction and widening of Route 1 (Richmond Highway) between Chesterman Avenue and Brinser Street in the City of Richmond beginning, Monday, Oct. 28. The project is projected to reach completion in the fall of 2026.

Improvements to Route 1 (Richmond Highway) will include the realignment of Hopkins Road and Harwood Street, installation of turn lanes, new water lines, new sewer lines, sidewalks and new traffic signalization.

Residents should anticipate potential water service disruptions during the transfer of service to the new water line as well as short term construction detours.

Residents will be notified in advance of these occurrences. Anyone with questions about the project can call VDOT’s customer service center at 800-FOR-ROAD (800-367-7623).

For the latest traffic information or road conditions, call 511 or visit


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