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Press Releases and Announcements

Descubra la magia de la temporada con el evento navideño de la estación de Main Street Station

Posted December 2, 2024

~ Evento festivo familiar con artes y manualidades, regalos únicos de artesanos locales y más~

RICHMOND, Virginia - El público está invitado a asistir al evento "Magia Navideña" de la estación de Main Street el domingo 8 de diciembre de 12 a 8 p.m. en el 1500 de East Main Street. Haga planes para comenzar la temporada navideña con este evento comunitario gratuito y familiar que incluye:

•             Artes y manualidades para niños, presentadas en asociación con el Centro de Artes Visuales de Richmond

•             Diversión en la cabina fotográfica

•             Hora del cuento con Papá Noel

•             Servicio de envoltura de regalos

•             Mercado de artesanías hechas por artesanos locales donde puede encontrar regalos únicos

•             Música navideña y villancicos

•             The Len ofrecerá bebidas calientes

Para obtener más información sobre la estación de Main Street, visite nuestra página

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El Departamento de Obras Públicas (DPW, por sus siglas en inglés) de la ciudad de Richmond es una de las 195 agencias de obras públicas actualmente acreditadas en los Estados Unidos. La cartera de DPW incluye una gran variedad de servicios, como la recolección de hojas, el mantenimiento de vías, aceras y callejones, la recolección de basura, el reciclaje, el corte de grama, la eliminación de los grafitis, el cumplimiento de las normas sobre estacionamientos, la silvicultura urbana, la identificación de las vías, los semáforos, la demarcación del pavimento y la ingeniería civil. Además, DPW se encarga del mantenimiento de la mayoría de los edificios de la ciudad, emite permisos para trabajar en los derechos de paso de la ciudad, gestiona el programa RVA Bike Share y mantiene la flota de vehículos de la ciudad. El presupuesto operativo de DPW proviene de los fondos generales de la ciudad de Richmond. Para más información sobre los servicios de DPW haga clic aquí o llame al 311.

La estación de Main Street (MSS) es una propiedad del Departamento de Obras Públicas y está administrada por éste. Construida en 1901, la estación está situada en el corazón de la ciudad y es un centro de transporte histórico que ofrece una mezcla de servicios modernos, encanto histórico y un diseño arquitectónico clásico e impactante. Cuenta con un gran atrio central, un intrincado trabajo de mampostería, una estación central, un cobertizo para trenes, un espacio al aire libre (y un patio) y una característica torre del reloj que crean una impresión perdurable de Richmond a lo largo del corredor de la I-95. Este lugar histórico ofrece un entorno único tanto para actos públicos como privados. Proporciona a Virginia y al corredor noreste un espacio único para eventos de talla mundial que incluye 47 mil pies cuadrados acristalados, lo que ofrece una vista espectacular del centro de Richmond. Es uno de los mejores lugares para bodas y eventos y figura en numerosas listas de "Lo mejor de". La estación de Main Street es un punto clave tanto para Amtrak como para los trenes regionales de cercanías. La estación es una conexión vital con la red de transporte de la región, que incluye asociaciones con servicios de autobús, como los autobuses de transporte rápido GRTC Pulse, Greyhound y varios servicios de Megabus. También ofrece carriles para bicicletas que conectan con el sendero Virginia Capital Trail. Descrita como una "joya arquitectónica" por el Servicio Postal de Estados Unidos, ¡la MSS fue seleccionada y apareció en un sello de correos!

Unwrap the magic of the season with Main Street Station’s holiday event

Posted November 26, 2024

~ Family-friendly festive event with arts and crafts, unique gifts from local artisans, and more! ~


RICHMOND, VA – The public is invited to attend Main Street Station’s “Holiday Magic” event Sunday, December 8 from 12 – 8 p.m. at 1500 East Main Street. Make plans to kick-off the holiday season with this free, family-friendly community event including:

  • Children’s Arts and Crafts in partnership with the Visual Arts Center of Richmond
  • Photo booth fun
  • Story time with Santa
  • Gift wrapping service
  • Shopping experience with local artisans and crafters offering unique gifts
  • Holiday music and caroling
  • Warm seasonal beverages provided by The Len

For more on Main Street Station, go to

We’re Social! For updates on activities and events visit us on Twitter (X) @DPW_RichmondVA


The City of Richmond Department of Public Works (DPW) is one of only 195 currently accredited public works agencies in the United States. DPW’s portfolio comprises a wide array of services to include leaf collection; street, sidewalk, and alley maintenance; trash collection; recycling; grass cutting; graffiti removal; parking enforcement; urban forestry; street signs; traffic signals and pavement markings and civil engineering. In addition, DPW maintains upkeep on most city buildings; issues permits for working in the city’s right-of-way; manages the RVA Bike Share program and maintains the fleet of city vehicles. DPW’s operating budget comes from the general fund of the City of Richmond.  For more information about DPW services, click here or call 3-1-1

Main Street Station (MSS) is owned and operated by the Department of Public Works. Built in 1901, the station is centrally located in the heart of the city and is a historic transportation hub offering a blend of modern amenities, historic charm and classic, stunning architectural design. It features a grand central atrium, intricate stonework, head house, train shed, outdoor space (and patio), and a distinctive clock tower creating a lasting impression of Richmond along the I-95 corridor. This historic venue offers a unique setting for both public and private events. It provides Virginia and the northeast corridor a unique world-class event space that includes 47,000 square feet enclosed in glass, providing breathtaking views of downtown Richmond. It’s a top venue for weddings and events, appearing on numerous “best of” listings. Main Street Station serves as a key point for both Amtrak and local commuter rail services. The station is a vital connection to the region’s transportation network which include partnerships with bus services, such as, GRTC Pulse Bus Rapid Transit, Greyhound and various Megabus services. It also offers bike paths connecting to the Virginia Capital Trail. Described as an “architectural gem” by the United States Postal Service, MSS was selected and featured on a postage stamp!

Decals for the Carver Restricted Parking District will be available next week

Posted November 25, 2025

~ Current permits expire December 31 ~

Richmond, VA - New parking decals for qualifying residents in the Carver Restricted Parking District will be available Monday, December 2 for $25. The current decal expires December 31. Residents can get more information, verify residency, and purchase a permit through the online portal Additionally, both mail-in and in-person renewal options are available.

Residents must display the permit on their car to park for more than the designed time restriction. A resident is either the residing owner of record or renter of property located within the restricted parking district. A City of Richmond Residential Parking Permit Application must be completed and approved prior to decal issuance. The Department of General Services verifies residency for both homeowners residing at the property and lease agreements for renters.

A resident of the district is defined as an owner of record or renter of property in the district and members of their immediate family who reside with the owner or renter at the address in the district:

  1. Who are licensed drivers, and
  2. Whose domicile is the address for which they are seeking to obtain the parking permit

The following information and picture identification must be provided:

  1. Property owners must provide either a copy of their real estate bill or other information that verifies ownership of the property
  2. Renters must provide a valid written lease for property in the restricted parking district, and have the appropriate approval of the property owner on the application they present

Property owners and renters are required to comply with the residency requirements and the motor vehicle registration requirements of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.

Decals and applications are also available at City Hall, Room 102, 900 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia. The office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please call 804-646-5700 if you have any questions. For additional details, please use the 3-1-1 mobile app or online portal at or call 3-1-1.

We’re Social! For updates on activities and events visit us on Twitter (X) @DPW_RichmondVA


The City of Richmond Department of Public Works (DPW) is one of only 195 currently accredited public works agencies in the United States. DPW’s portfolio comprises a wide array of services to include leaf collection; street, sidewalk and alley maintenance; trash collection; recycling; grass cutting; graffiti removal; parking enforcement; urban forestry; street signs; traffic signals and pavement markings and civil engineering. In addition, DPW maintains upkeep on most city buildings; issues permits for working in the city’s right-of-way; manages the RVA Bike Share program and maintains the fleet of city vehicles. DPW’s operating budget comes from the general fund of the City of Richmond.  For more information about DPW services, click here or call 3-1-1

Public meeting scheduled for the Lombardy over CSX Bridge Replacement Project

Posted November 25, 2024

~ The bridge is located between Moore and Admiral streets ~


RICHMOND, VA. –The Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold a public meeting next month to share design plans for the Lombardy over CSX Bridge Replacement Project. The meeting will be held at the Maggie Walker Governor’s School, located at 1000 North Lombardy Street, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 18.

The public is encouraged to attend the meeting to review project information and the tentative schedule. City project team members and consultants will be available to answer questions. Comments about the project may be submitted at the meeting or by email. Send written feedback to and include “UPC 104216 Lombardy over CSX” in the subject line. To schedule a meeting to review plans in-person, call 804-646-3421 to make an appointment. The deadline to submit comments is January 9, 2025.

If more information is needed or special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, please contact Thomas Westbrook at or call 804-646-3421.

For more information on DPW, please visit us online at or email us at

 We’re Social! For updates on DPW-related projects, activities and events visit us on X (Twitter) @DPW_RichmondVA



The City of Richmond Department of Public Works (DPW) is one of only 195 currently accredited public works agencies in the United States. DPW’s portfolio comprises a wide array of services to include leaf collection; street, sidewalk, and alley maintenance; trash collection; recycling; grass cutting; graffiti removal; parking enforcement; urban forestry; street signs; traffic signals and pavement markings and civil engineering. In addition, DPW maintains upkeep on most city buildings; issues permits for working in the city’s right-of-way; manages the RVA Bike Share program and maintains the fleet of city vehicles. DPW’s operating budget comes from the general fund of the City of Richmond.  For more information about DPW services, click here or call 3-1-1.

New bike lane projects connecting city neighborhoods and building sustainable communities

Posted November 14, 2024

~ Vision Zero initiative to improve roadway safety and access for all ~


RICHMOND, VA. – Construction is underway by the Department of Public Works (DPW) for two new quick build bike lane projects to expand the city’s multimodal network. These projects reflect the city’s commitment to speed management as well as providing sustainable, multimodal transportation solutions and safety for all roadway users, regardless of age or ability.

Project improvement details:

  1. Southside enhanced mobility
    1. Buffered bike lanes and street upgrades on Holly Springs Avenue from Broad Rock Road to Hopkins Road
    2. Weather permitting, this project is expected to be completed by Winter 2024

  1. Carver Neighborhood bike lane upgrade
    1. Repaving and bike lane reorganization on Leigh Street from Myers Street to North Allen Avenue
    2. Buffered bike lanes adjacent to sidewalks
    3. On-street parking adjacent to travel lanes
    4. Weather permitting, this project is expected to be completed by Winter 2025

During construction, people may experience minor disruptions, but every effort will be made to minimize inconveniences. Please be patient and give construction workers extra space and slow down when you see orange cones and work zones.

These projects support the Richmond 300 master plan and Richmond Connects transportation plan to create multimodal neighborhood connections. They also support the City’s Vision Zero Action Plan by using our complete streets approach to improve safe access for all.

For more information on DPW, please visit us online at‐works or email us at

 We’re Social! For updates on DPW-related projects, activities and events visit us on X (Twitter) @DPW_RichmondVA




The City of Richmond Department of Public Works (DPW) is one of only 195 currently accredited public works agencies in the United States. DPW’s portfolio comprises a wide array of services to include leaf collection; street, sidewalk, and alley maintenance; trash collection; recycling; grass cutting; graffiti removal; parking enforcement; urban forestry; street signs; traffic signals and pavement markings and civil engineering. In addition, DPW maintains upkeep on most city buildings; issues permits for working in the city’s right-of-way; manages the RVA Bike Share program and maintains the fleet of city vehicles. DPW’s operating budget comes from the general fund of the City of Richmond.  For more information about DPW services, click here or call 3-1-1.

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