Commendations received by the public

Sergeant Gohlke was awarded a Life-Saving bar by the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office for his quick response and actions!

A model officer in and outside of the city of Richmond!

RPD would like to recognize Sergeant Gohlke for the life-saving measures he recently performed while traveling in Destin, Florida.

“...My wife and I had just got our rental and recorded the exterior for damage. As we were leaving the lot, she looked over and saw someone on the ground and someone who appeared to be doing chest compressions.

We got out and there was a guy on the ground who was blue and did not look good. There was a male who was trying to perform CPR, but needed assistance.

I walked up and immediately began chest compressions. My wife asked if there was an AED anywhere and went to go get it. I started doing CPR and around the 44th compression the male’s color started getting better and he appeared to be breathing. I checked his pulse and he had one!

I placed him in the recovery position. I held him there until EMS responded.”

Thank you Sgt. Gohlke!

Sgt. Gohlke
















Vehicle owner expresses gratitude to Third Precinct Officer Finch for locating their stolen vehicle in an expeditious manner.

Vacationing is a time to get away from home and relax, without a worry in the world. Except when you hear that your car has just been stolen back home.
The department received an email commending Third Precinct Officer Finch. Officer Finch drove to the home of an individual to notify the residence that their vehicle had just been stolen. The homeowners were out of the country and the Ring doorbell had notified them that Officer Finch was at their door. He gave the homeowners a call notifying them of the stolen vehicle. Officer Finch went above and beyond, driving throughout the city looking for the vehicle until he ultimately recovered it.
The resident wrote “When I returned to town, I was able to meet Officer Finch and he is a fine human being! My family and I feel lucky to be protected by the City of Richmond Police force.”
Thank You, Officer Finch for always going the extra mile for our community!

Officer TF