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City of Richmond
Richmond Police Department
Special Operations Division
Permit Information Guide
Welcome to the City of Richmond Police Department Permit Section. The Richmond Police Department has developed this information guide for you to use during your application and planning process. Contact the Richmond Police Permit Office at (804)646-1717 if you have questions after review of the enclosed information.
Temporary no parking signs are required to inform the public that vehicles parked in the posted no parking spaces, reserved by the sign’s dates and times, will be towed to clear the space required for the event. If these signs shall be used to reserve the necessary parking space for a special event (such as parades, races, or events with 300 or more people who will participate and requires Police staffing) the Parking Permit Application must be submitted with any applicable Street Closure Permit, Special Event, and Parade Permit Applications 90 days prior to the event.). For smaller events (under 300 people who will participate, and no Police Staffing required), requests must be received a minimum of three (3) business days prior to the parking / event date. If you are a commercial contractor, you will need to contact Mr. Leslie James for a Work in Streets Permit (WISP) at (804) 646-1288. If you need a parking permit for a residential move, please contact the City of Richmond Parking Division at (804) 646-3684.
Temporary Parking Permit Application Information
If you are planning to temporarily close the street fully including the sidewalk you must apply for a Street Closure Permit. The Street Closure Permit gives you permission to have the street closed to vehicular traffic if local access for residents and emergency vehicles is maintained while you hold your event. Street closure requests are handled on a case-by-case basis. You will first need to register your event(s) with the office of Ms. Natasha Toliver (Project Management Analyst / City of Richmond Special Events) at 646-0761. Special Events (such as, parades, races, or events with 300 or more people who will participate and requires Police staffing) the Street Closure Permit Application must be submitted with any applicable Parking Permit, Special Event, and Parade Permit Applications 90 days prior to the event.) Street Closure Applications for smaller events (under 300 people who will participate, and no Police Staffing required must be received a minimum of 15 business days prior to the day of the street closure. As a condition of approval, it will be required by the applicant, to provide the necessary traffic control devices (barricades, traffic cones, road signs, etc.) for the street closure. The applicant must also produce a certificate of Liability Insurance. THE CITY OF RICHMOND shall be named as an additional insured NOT the Richmond Police Department. The Richmond Police Department does NOT issue RAIN DATES with the street closure permits.
Street Closure Permit Application Information
A Special Event is defined as an event that meets one or more of the following criteria: 1) 300 or more people will participate, 2) involves the sale of food, beverages, or merchandise, 3) the use of amplified sound, airborne objects, fireworks, or carnival-type attractions 4) will have an impact on streets, roads, rights-of-way, or adjacent private property. A parade is a march, procession or race consisting of people, animals, bicycles, etc. on a public street, sidewalk which does not comply with normal traffic regulations and includes different assembly and disassembly points. The Parade Permit Application must be submitted at least 90 business days prior to the day of the event. The event applicant will first need to contact the office of Ms. Emerald Jordan (Richmond Special Events) at 646-0761. The Police Department will review the requested route and make the appropriate recommendations to the Chief of Police. Consideration for its approval will be based on its safety and convenience to the public, time of day, expense to the city, etc. As a condition of approval, it will be required by the applicant to provide the necessary traffic control devices (barricades, traffic cones, road signs, etc.) for the event. If you require street closures for the event, the same applies with the street closure application process. It will also be the applicant’s responsibility to hire Off-Duty Police Officers for traffic control during the event if deemed necessary. Please contact the Richmond Police Off-Duty Office at 646-0445 for further assistance..