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National Night Out

National Night Out Event - Tuesday, August 6, 2024

America's Night Out Against Crime
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Annually, residents in neighborhoods throughout the City of Richmond and across the nation, lock their doors, turn on the outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors and police.

Many neighborhoods throughout Richmond will be hosting a variety of special events such as block parties, cookouts, parades, flashlight walks, contests, and youth activities where there will be visits by the police and other first responders.

National Night Out is designed to
   1. Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
   2. Generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime efforts;
   3. Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police‐community partnerships; and
   4. Send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

Steps to Plan your Block Party
•Solicit help from your neighbors and form a committee. You will find that as a group, you will be able to generate some great ideas as to what type of event to plan. Your Block Captains may make excellent committee members.
•As the committee chairperson, assign tasks to your committee members. Examples of tasks might include: ◦Selecting an event location (clubhouse, private home, cul‐de‐sac, vacant lot, youth center, church, etc.)
   ◦Advertising your event (flyers, newsletters, public meetings)
   ◦Setup and cleanup
   ◦Entertainment or speaker(s)
•Plan a follow‐up meeting to discuss your communities' progress.
•Talk up your event with your neighbors, homeowners/civic association, local businesses, places of worship and friends.

Watch it all come together and enjoy your National Night Out!

Block Party Ideas

sip lemonade
face painting
chalk art
talent show
progressive dinner
collect food for needy
tell block history stories
dunk tank
visit old friends

exchange cookies
shoot free throws
longest resident award
invite a speaker
ice cream social
make a banner
make popcorn
serve watermelon
pet contest
serve tea and dessert

bicycle parade
jump rope
listen to music
turn on porch lights
oldest resident award
roller skate
tell spooky stories
welcome new neighbors
pet tricks
street dance

Event Forms

Online Registration

Request a Street Closing Application