Federal Climate Convening
On August 16, 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law, and set the tone for a historic investment in equity, climate change and clean energy, never before seen in this country. Coupled with additional funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the IRA created a unique opportunity for local governments, non-profits, private developers, and professional industries with an unprecedented level of funding to significantly advance this work in every community and industry across the United States.
With rapid-fire announcements of new grant opportunities on a weekly basis, cities and other organizations alike, the Office of Sustainability felt the need to establish a process to identify the best ways to drive this funding into their communities. This includes ways to identify the right grant opportunities, assistance in navigating highly-technical processes, opportunities to better engage the community in equitable ways, and how to identify the right projects for their time and capacities.
It is in this national context that the City of Richmond, VA (the City) established the Federal Climate Convening program to work with community based organizations (CBOs) to identify projects and apply for these Federal grants in an equity-centered and community led manner.
Read more about the Richmond Federal Climate Convening here.
2023-2024 Federal Climate Convening Resources
The Richmond Federal Climate Funding process was a natural extension of the planning process for RVAgreen 2050. The plan advances equity, notes lessons learned for future planning processes, and represents a step in the right direction for the important work of building trust between government and community. The continued relationships and shared goals, actions, and vision of RVAgreen 2050 are the backbone of the Richmond Federal Climate Funding process
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Parkland Interconnection Breakout
Urban and Community Forestry Breakout
Session 5
Session 5 Convening Survey Results
SSDN SSRC Richmond Presentation
Justice 40
Social Vulnerability Index
Richmond CDC/ATSDR Social Vulnerability Index 2020
Climate & Economic Justice Screening Tool
EJ Screen
Richmond Climate Equity Index
Minority Populations and Proximity to Parks
Richmond Disadvantaged Communities
DOE Energy Future Grants
City of Richmond Special Financial Assistance Program
City of Richmond Project Narrative
City of Richmond Community Benefits Plan
DOE Energy Grant Future Grant Application Package
USDA: Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry Grant Application
2A. Application Support: Budget Narrative and Detail
Budget Narrative Justification Example
2023 Urban Forestry Full Budget Final
2B. Application Support: Project Narrative and Detail
City of Richmond Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry (IRA) Grant Application Project Narrative
2C. Application Support: Letters of Support and Commitment
Groundwork RVA USDA FS UCF Grant Application
Happily Natural USDA FS UCF Grant Application
Southside ReLeaf USDA FS UCF Grant Application
Virginia Interfaith Power & Light USDA FS UCF Grant Application
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay USDA FS UCF Grant Application
Chesapeake Bay Foundation USDA FS UCF Grant Application
Career Service Division of the Office of Community Wealth Building USDA FS UCF Grant Application
Division Street Outdoor Contacting USDA FS UCF Grant Application
Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan USDA FS UCF Grant Application
Science Museum of Virginia USDA FS UCF Grant Application
Virginia Department of Forestry USDA FS UCF Grant Application
2D. Application Support: Final Application
Federal Climate Convening Resource List
The following Federal Climate Convening Resource List has been curated to help community members and organizations to navigate this historic funding moment. Please browse through the four categories for information that might help you navigate your role in your project(s). For additional comments, questions, or support, please reach out to rvagreen@rva.gov.
The FCC Resource List is broken into 4 categories:
Data & Research
Grant Writing & Administration
Project Implementation & Workforce Development
Community Engagement & Advocacy)
Data & Research
- RVAgreen 2050 Climate Vulnerability Risk Assessment
Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences - Adapt VA Social Vulnerability Mapper
National Renewable Energy Lab (www.nrel.gov)
State, Local, Tribal Program https://www.nrel.gov/state-local-tribal/
SLOPE: State and Local Planning for Energy https://maps.nrel.gov/slope
Research Publications Database: https://nrel.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?vid=01NREL_INST:Pubs&lang=en
U.S. Dept of Transportation
U.S. Dept of Energy
U.S. Dept of Agriculture (data not just on rural areas)
Plan RVA (generally) and the GeoHub
OOS can be a warehouse of data! Please contact us at rvagreen@rva.gov and check out the Climate Equity Index
Grant Writing & Administration
Candid FREE webinars for “how to” and all the common grant parts; BE the Resource when you can!; transferable research/writing skills from other jobs; Community Foundation grants writing courses; mentorships
Example applications (Found here!)
Peer connection to former applicants
Foundation staff are typically more than happy to support via a simple introductory email!
Environmental Protection Network grant writing support
Southeast Sustainability Directors Network Support Hours - Please contact the OOS at rvagreen@rva.gov
Project Implementation & Workforce Development
Southeast Sustainability Directors Network Support Hours - Please contact the OOS at rvagreen@rva.gov
Viridiant hosted, DOE funded, clean energy technology trainings (heat pumps, heat pump hot water heaters, EV charging, battery storage. Email: admin@viridiant.org
Clean Energy Advisory Board: Low and Moderate Income Solar Loan and Rebate Program
VA Dept of Forestry, Urban and Community Forestry Division - Very willing to support specific ideas and projects in urban greening.
Virginia Dept. of Labor and Industry: Registered Apprenticeship program
Virginia Department of Education - Work-based Learning Program
VCN Resilience workgroup, which deals with advocacy for Community Flood Preparedness Fund -- a state grant program
DEQ SLAF “locality stormwater local assistance program” which requires 50/50 match and Federal match can be used for the state program
Planning District Commission – applying for regional grants
Health Equity Fund – grant funds that address health equity topics in RVA
Virginia Career and Technical Education – career clusters of Energy; Ag, food, and Natural Resources; Energy, Transportation
Richmond City Office of Community Wealth Building
Community Engagement & Advocacy
USDN | Guide to Equitable, Community-Driven Climate Preparedness Planning
RWJF | Transformational Community Engagement to Advance Health Equity
UVA IEN: Principles for Equitable Collaboration