Contact Us

Address: 900 E. Broad St.,
                 Room 115
                 Richmond, VA 23219

Phone:     (804) 646-4646
                 For gas leaks, leave the area and call 911


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DPU News Page

Water Line Map/Survey

Click here to view the map that identifies the material of water service lines. 

Service Line Map

Click here to start the survey. 

Click here if you need plumber assistance.

Lead Service Line Notification Letters

Notice of Unknown Service Line Material

*This notice contains important information about your drinking water as required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to be sent annually until your service line is verified to be non-lead. Please share this information with anyone who drinks and/or cooks using water at this property. Property managers are required to post and share this notice with residents and tenants, as applicable.

Dear Valued Customer,
Protecting public health and safety is at the heart of the City of Richmond’s mission. Richmond’s drinking water is safe, clean and reliable and the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) works around the clock to ensure this commitment is kept.
As part of our promise to prioritize water protections, we launched the Lead Free Water Program to comply with the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) and are working to identify service line materials throughout the water system. We have determined through a records review and/or field verification that either a part or all of the water pipe (called a service line) that connects your property to the water main is made from unknown material but could be lead or galvanized pipe that was previously connected to lead.
In accordance with the LCRR, we are letting you know that people living in homes with a lead service line have an increased risk of exposure to lead from their drinking water. However, we want to assure customers that DPU carefully regulates the water chemistry to ensure it always meets or exceeds federal regulations to consistently provide high-quality drinking water.

Click here to access the Unknown Service Line Material Letter

Notice of Confirmed Lead Service Line

*This notice contains important information about your drinking water as required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to be sent annually until your service line is verified to be non-lead. Please share this information with anyone who drinks and/or cooks using water at this property. Property managers are required to post and share this notice with residents and tenants, as applicable.

Dear Valued Customer,
Protecting public health and safety is at the heart of the City of Richmond’s mission. Richmond’s drinking water is safe, clean and reliable and the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) works around the clock to ensure this commitment is kept.
As part of our promise to prioritize water protections, we launched the Lead Free Water Program to comply with the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) and have determined through a records review and/or field verification that either a part or all of the water pipe (called a service line) that connects your property to the water main is made from lead.
In accordance with the LCRR, we are letting you know that people living in homes with a lead service line have an increased risk of exposure to lead from their drinking water. However, we want to assure customers that DPU carefully regulates the water chemistry to ensure it always meets or exceeds federal regulations to consistently provide high-quality drinking water.

Click here to access the Confirmed Lead Service Line Material Letter.

Notice of confirmed galvanized service line (that is or was downstream of a lead service line)

*This notice contains important information about your drinking water as required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to be sent annually until your service line is verified to be non-lead. Please share this information with anyone who drinks and/or cooks using water at this property. Property managers are required to post and share this notice with residents and tenants, as applicable.

Dear Valued Customer,
Protecting public health and safety is at the heart of the City of Richmond’s mission. Richmond’s drinking water is safe, clean and reliable and the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) works around the clock to ensure this commitment is kept.
As part of our promise to prioritize water protections, we launched the Lead Free Water Program to comply with the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) and have determined through a records review and/or field verification that either a part or all of the water pipe (called a service line) that connects your property to the water main is made from galvanized material and may have absorbed lead. The EPA has defined these service lines as “galvanized requiring replacement,” or GRR.
In accordance with the LCRR, we are letting you know that people living in homes with a lead service line have an increased risk of exposure to lead from their drinking water. However, we want to assure customers that DPU carefully regulates the water chemistry to ensure it always meets or exceeds federal regulations to consistently provide high-quality drinking water.

Click here to access the Galvanized Service Line Material Letter