City News

Press Releases and Announcements

Restricted parking permits for Randolph and South Mulberry Neighborhoods available online

Posted July 8, 2024


~ Current parking decals expire July 31, 2024 ~

RICHMOND, Va.  – New parking decals for qualifying residents in the Randolph and South Mulberry Parking District are now on sale for $25. The current decal expires July 31. Residents can get more information, verify residency, and purchase a permit through the online portal Additionally, both mail-in and in-person renewal options are available.

Residents must display the permit on their car to park for more than the designed time restriction. A resident is either the residing owner of record or renter of property located within the Restricted Parking District. A City of Richmond Residential Parking Permit Application must be completed and approved prior to decal issuance. The Department of Public Works verifies residency for both homeowners residing at the property and lease agreements for renters.

A resident of the district is defined as an owner of record or renter of property in the district and members of their immediate family who reside with the owner or renter at the address in the district:

  1. Who are licensed drivers, and
  2. Whose domicile is the address for which they are seeking to obtain the parking permit

The following information and picture identification must be provided:

  1. Property owners must provide either a copy of their real estate bill or other information that verifies ownership of the property
  2. Renters must provide a valid written lease for property in the restricted parking district, and have the appropriate approval of the property owner on the application they present

Property owners and renters are required to comply with the residency requirements and the motor vehicle registration requirements of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.

Decals and applications are also available at City Hall, Room 102, 900 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia. The office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please call 804-646-5700 if you have any questions or email us at

For additional details, please use the 3-1-1 mobile app or online portal at or call 3-1-1.

We’re Social! For updates on DPW-related projects, activities and events visit us on Twitter @DPW_RichmondVA



The City of Richmond Department of Public Works (DPW) is one of only 195 currently accredited public works agencies in the United States. DPW’s portfolio comprises a wide array of services to include leaf collection; street, sidewalk and alley maintenance; trash collection; recycling; grass cutting; graffiti removal; parking enforcement; urban forestry; street signs; traffic signals and pavement markings and civil engineering. In addition, DPW maintains upkeep on most city buildings; issues permits for working in the city’s right-of-way; manages the RVA Bike Share program and maintains the fleet of city vehicles. DPW’s operating budget comes from the general fund of the City of Richmond.  For more information about DPW services, click here or call 3-1-1.

City of Richmond Department of Public Utilities new utility rates are effective July 1, 2024

City of Richmond Department of Public Utilities new utility rates are effective July 1, 2024 

Utility rate changes passed by Richmond City Council on May 13, 2024 go into effect with the first utility bills customers receive in July 2024. Department of Public Utilities (DPU) senior director April Bingham stated, “The effective and consistent delivery of quality gas and water services requires substantial programs to protect methods of supply, and regular investments for aging infrastructure to enhance service quality and service delivery. We are equally mindful of the financial hardships customers may be experiencing and invite them to explore assistance options outlined below by visiting” 

These rate increases are projected to cost the average customer approximately $7.93 more per month. Here is a breakdown of the utility rates for natural gas, water, wastewater and stormwater rates, as approved:

NATURAL GAS          
The average residential customer will pay approximately $2.96 more per month for fixed distribution and customer charges. The purchased gas costs (PGC), are not included in this proposal as it is passed on dollar for dollar to the customer, without any mark up and adjusted on a monthly basis as warranted by market conditions. 

A typical water customer using 6 CCF’s (1 CCF = 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons) of water per month will see an increase of $0.82 on their overall water bill. This includes monthly service charge and volumetric charge (amount used).

A typical wastewater customer using 6 CCF’s (1 CCF = 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons) of wastewater per month will see an increase of $3.59 on their overall wastewater bill. This includes monthly service charge and volumetric charge (amount used) 


Stormwater utility rates are based on the amount of impervious area (surfaces that cannot absorb water or that water cannot pass through) within a property. Roofs, walkways, gravel or asphalt driveways and decks are all categorized as impervious areas. Effective July 1, 2024 updated data is used to calculate the impervious surface area for each property. Property owners are invited to view that data at:

Single family residents pay a flat stormwater fee based on the amount of impervious area that a property contains. Typical residential customers will see a $0.56 increase in their monthly bill. See the size and fees associated with single family residential tier below:

  • Tier 1   (1000 or less sq. ft. of impervious area) will pay a fee of $3.23 per month
  • Tier 2   (1,001 - 2,000 sq. ft. of impervious area) will pay a fee of $5.92 per month
  • Tier 3   (2,001 – 3,000 sq. ft. of impervious area) will pay a fee of $9.62 per month
  • Tier 4   (3,001 – 4,000 sq. ft. of impervious area) will pay a fee of $13.72 per month
  • Tier 5   (4,001 sq. ft. or more of impervious area) will pay a fee of $19.90 per month

DPU remains committed to providing safe and reliable utility service while creating exceptional value. If you have fallen behind on your utility payments, DPU is here to help!  Full information and application details on all current programs can be found on our website at  If you need to speak with a live agent about any account services, don’t delay, give us a call today at (804) 646-4646 for assistance.

  • PromisePay Payment Plans – DPU’s partnership with PromisePay to bring flexible and convenient payment plans for customers who are behind on their utility bills. All customers with a past due balance may enroll in a PromisePay payment plan for their outstanding balance at The PromisePay portal offers users the opportunity to select from a variety of payment plan options, set up automatic payments, and provide contact information for payment reminders and other account notifications through text messaging.  
  • MetroCare Water Program – This water bill payment assistance program provides funds to eligible families and individuals who are having difficulty paying their primary water bills due to financial concerns. There is an application process and ratepayers can receive up to $500 per applicant if approved.       
  • MetroCare Heat Program – This heating bill payment assistance program provides funds to eligible families and individuals who are having trouble paying their primary heating bills due to a financial difficulty or other special hardship. The program period begins December 15. Residents within Richmond Gas Works' service territory may apply for funds through MetroCare.
  • MetroCare Water Conservation Program – This program provides financial assistance to eligible customers who are homeowners for plumbing repairs and the replacement of water-inefficient appliances with EPA WaterSense products to conserve water and reduce wasteful consumption. This program includes an audit approved by the Department of Energy for all eligible homeowners as a method for improving water use efficiency.           
  • SeniorCare Program – This program caters to the unique needs of seniors 65 years of age and older in the Richmond metropolitan community. Senior customers can sign up for this program and take advantage of Winter Service Assurance, no late fees, security deposit waiver program, annual weatherization kit giveaways and third party notification.
  • Equal Monthly Payment Plan – The EMPP budget plan spreads your annual gas bill over 12 months. The estimated monthly payment is based on the previous year's natural gas usage.

New project to improve safety, enhance community mobility, and expand the transportation network north and south of the James River

Posted July 2, 2024

~ Work is slated to begin this month & expected completion by Fall 2024, weather permitting ~

RICHMOND, VA. – The Department of Public Works (DPW) is pleased to announce the upcoming construction of a new quick build project along Westover Hills Boulevard, Park Drive, and Blanton Avenue which form part of State Route 161 crossing the James River. The project will include street upgrades and provide important connections to the city’s bike network, expand accessibility, and improve safety for people walking, rolling, and biking. It reflects the city’s commitment to speed management as well as sustainable, multimodal transportation solutions and safety for all roadway users, regardless of age or ability.

Weather permitting, construction will begin this month and will be divided into two phases:

  • Phase I: Westover Hills Boulevard beginning near Riverside Drive to the intersection with Dunston Avenue/49th Street
  • Phase II: Park Drive and Blanton Avenue beginning at Pump House Drive to French Street

 During construction, residents may experience minor disruptions but every effort will be made to minimize inconveniences. Please be patient and give construction workers extra space and slow down when you see orange cones and work zones.

Construction is expected to be completed by Fall 2024, weather permitting.

 This project supports the James River Master Plan and Richmond 300 to create multimodal neighborhood connections to parks. This project also supports the City’s Vision Zero Action Plan by using our complete streets approach to improve safe access for all. This process was driven by community input through a series of surveys and public engagements. Community feedback provided valuable input throughout the design process.

For more information on the Department of Public Works, please visit us online at or email us at

 We’re Social! For updates on DPW-related projects, activities and events visit us on Twitter @DPW_RichmondVA







The City of Richmond Department of Public Works (DPW) is one of only 195 currently accredited public works agencies in the United States. DPW’s portfolio comprises a wide array of services to include leaf collection; street, sidewalk, and alley maintenance; trash collection; recycling; grass cutting; graffiti removal; parking enforcement; urban forestry; street signs; traffic signals and pavement markings and civil engineering. In addition, DPW maintains upkeep on most city buildings; issues permits for working in the city’s right-of-way; manages the RVA Bike Share program and maintains the fleet of city vehicles. DPW’s operating budget comes from the general fund of the City of Richmond.  For more information about DPW services, click here or call 3-1-1.

City of Richmond Offices Closed for Fourth of July Holiday - Closure Details

Posted July 2, 2024

In observance of Independence Day on Thursday, July 4, all City of Richmond offices, including City Hall, will be CLOSED. We will resume regular business hours on Friday, July 5.

  • Animal Care and Control:
    • Closed on July 4, but don’t miss the sponsored pet adoption event by SlopePro Roofing July 5 to 7.
  • Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities:
    • All offices and community centers will be closed on July 4. Pools will be open from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Department of Public Works:
    • There will be no residential trash collection or bulk and brush collection on July 4. Collection will be delayed by one day. Trash scheduled for pick-up on Thursday will be picked up on Friday, July 5.
    • The East Richmond Road Convenience Center (ERRCC - Landfill) located at 3800 East Richmond Road will also be closed on July 4.
    • Additionally, there will be no recycling collected. It will be collected on Friday, July 5.
  • Department of Public Utilities:
    • For emergency utility services, call 804-646-4646 and press option 1.
    • For gas leaks, leave the area and call 911.

Stay safe and enjoy the celebrations!

City Fourth of July Celebration

As part of the 67th annual Festival of Arts, the City’s Department of Parks, Recreation, and Community Facilities (PRCF) will host a Fourth of July celebration at Dogwood Dell on Thursday, July 4, 2024.

This free event will feature the Richmond Concert Jazz Band beginning at 5:30 p.m. The Richmond Concert Band will perform at 7:30 p.m. with a patriotic and pop music concert. The evening’s fireworks display will accompany the Richmond Concert Band playing “The 1812 Overture” at 9:15 p.m. The public is welcome to bring small coolers (glass bottles or alcohol are not allowed) or can purchase food from one of the vendors on site. 

Richmond Police Department will enforce the following no parking areas from 11 a.m. until 11 p.m. on July 4. Towing will be enforced beginning at 2 p.m.

  • 700-1000 block of Blanton Avenue  between Garrett Street and Grant Street (Both sides)
  • 400- 600 block S. Arthur Ashe Boulevard between Blanton and Idlewood Avenue (Both sides)
  • 00-2200 block Park Drive between Pump House Dr. and Blanton Avenue (Both sides)
  • 2600 block Idlewood Avenue between S. Arthur Ashe Boulevard and S. Robinson Street  (Both sides)
  • Trafford Road (Police Memorial Way)
  • 1000 block South Belmont between Grant Street and Garrett Street (both sides)
  • 2900-3200 block Douglasdale Road between Blanton Avenue and Douglasdale Road
  • 400-3600 block McCloy Street / Douglasdale Road between Idlewood Avenue and Portland Place
  • 1400-2000 block Pump House Drive (Both Sides)
  • 400-600 block S. Sheppard Street (Both Sides) between Blanton Avenue and  Idlewood Avenue
  • 2000-2400 block Maplewood Avenue (Median Only) between S. Meadow Street and S. Davis Avenue
  • 2000-2400 block Rosewood Avenue (Median Only) between S. Meadow Street and S. Davis Avenue
  • 2900-3100 block Garrett Street (Both Sides) between Blanton Avenue and S. Belmont Avenue (Bus Route)
  • 3500-3600 block Douglasdale Road (Both Sides) between Douglasdale Road and Portland Place

Arthur Ashe Boulevard at Idlewood Avenue will close to vehicular traffic beginning at 6 p.m. Parking is available at Dogwood Dell, with over flow parking at City Stadium, 3201 Maplewood Avenue, with free shuttle bus service 4 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Richmond Police Department reminds the public that what goes up must come down; celebratory gunfire is dangerous and puts your friends and family in jeopardy. Random gunfire that results in bodily injury to another person is considered a Class 6 felony and can carry a penalty of up to five years’ incarceration (Code of Virginia 18.2-280).

Use and possession of fireworks in the Richmond city limits is also illegal and is considered a Class 1 misdemeanor with penalties of up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code).

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