City News

Office of City Clerk

Public Information Advisory - Land Use, Housing and Transportation Standing Committee - Time Change

WHAT:        Richmond City Council’s Land Use, Housing and Transportation Standing Committee regular meeting time has changed.

WHEN:        Tuesday after the 3rd Monday of every month at 1:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m.

WHERE:      Council Chamber* 

                      Richmond City Hall

                      Second Floor

                      900 East Broad Street

                      Richmond, Virginia 23219

* Meetings will be held through electronic communication means pursuant to and in compliance with Ordinance No. 2020-093, adopted April 9, 2020, as most recently amended by Ordinance No. 2020-232, adopted December 14, 2020, until further notice.  Meetings will be open to participation through electronic communication means by the public and closed to in-person participation by the public.  Less than a quorum of the Land Use, Housing and Transportation Standing Committee will assemble for meetings in the Council Chamber on the 2nd floor of City Hall at 900 East Broad Street in Richmond, Virginia 23219, and most committee members and other staff will participate by teleconference/videoconference via Microsoft Teams.

CONTACT:  For more information, please contact Senior Assistant City Clerk Pamela Nichols at or (804) 646-7955.
