Contact Us

Address: 900 E. Broad St.,
                 Room 115
                 Richmond, VA 23219

Phone:     (804) 646-4646
                 For gas leaks, leave the area and call 911


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For other news, check out our news page:

DPU News Page

Water Line Map/Survey

Click here to view the map that identifies the material of water service lines. 

Service Line Map

Click here to start the survey. 

Click here if you need plumber assistance.

Stormwater Credit

The Stormwater Utility offers customers the opportunity to receive a reduction in their stormwater fee. Customers who reduce stormwater runoff or who improve the quality of the stormwater runoff from their property to the Richmond stormwater system and/or the surrounding water bodies by installing "green practices" will qualify for the credit.

To find out more about the credit program, how it works, and how to apply, please click on the links below.

Stormwater Credit Manuals and Applications

General Credit Application - To be filled out by all customers applying for stormwater credits.

