Office of Aging & Disabilities Services 7945 Forest Hill Avenue Building 26 Richmond, VA 23225 USA Telephone: (804) 646-1082 |
Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities (OAPD) may be eligible for the Real Estate Tax Relief Program. Real Estate Tax Relief Program Elderly and disabled renters who meet certain criteria receive an exemption from refuse collection and recycling fees. Renter Exemption Form Elderly and disabled residents may also be eligible for back door service refuse pick-up. Back Door Service Request |
Office of Aging and Disability Services
The City of Richmond’s Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS) strives to promote independence and enhance the dignity of Richmond’s older adults, persons with disabilities and their families through a community-based system of opportunities, services, benefits, and protections; to ready younger generations to enjoy their later years; and to help society and government plan and prepare for the changing demographics. OADS focuses on increasing access to services for older adults age 55+ and individuals age 18 and older with physical and sensory disabilities to support:
- Aging in Place through well coordinated community based services
‣ Older adults who want to remain active, independent and vital contributors to their communities.
‣ Older adults who may need additional assistance to remain independent.
- Persons with disabilities in ensuring equal access to services
- Caregivers to older adults and persons with disabilities, including those who may be older and need assistance.
- The OADS plans, administers, coordinates and evaluates a community based system of opportunities, services, benefits and protections to advance the social, health and economic well being of aging and persons with disabilities in the City of Richmond. These efforts are implemented through partnerships with various stakeholders to include public, private and faith based entities.

Senior/ Disabilities Help Line
The help line is designed to assist older adults and persons with disabilities in their quest for services within city departments, as well as outside agencies.
The Senior/Disabilities Help Line can be accessed by dialing (804)646-1082.
Home Visitation for Care Coordination
As a follow up to calls received through the Senior/Disabilities Help Line, in home visits for older adults and persons with disabilities unable to visit the office. During home visits, assessments are conducted and various applications for services are completed as needed, such as Medicaid, Fuel Assistance, home repairs/weatherization, real estate tax relief, SNAP, etc. In addition, other services provided may consist of coordination of home delivered meals, identifying assisted living and independent living housing facilities, facilitating needed healthcare equipment, etc.
Community Outreach
In an effort to promote the services provided by the OADS, various outreach activities such as presentations to members of senior groups, tenants associations, independent living facilities, Friendship Cafés, community fairs, etc. are conducted.
Educating and creating a sense of awareness among both seniors and persons with disabilities is a priority of the office. The OADS offers sessions addressing crucial issues affecting these populations to support their independence.
Friendly Visitor’s Program
In conjunction with ElderFriends, a home visiting program has been developed, recruiting volunteers from the city’s workforce to visit isolated residents 60 years of age and older living alone. Through this program, dedicated city employees make a one year commitment to provide a minimum of two hours per week as a Friendly Visitor.
Well Being Checks
Telephone and personal checks are conducted during summer and winter months based upon weather conditions when temperatures are extreme or during weather emergencies to ensure safe environments and to identify any needs of older adults and persons with disabilities.
Aging & Disabilities Advisory Board
A partnership of consumers, local government and businesses working to increase access, develop consumer-oriented and community-based services for persons with physical and sensory disabilities; The nine members of the Aging & Disabilities Advisory Board are appointed by Richmond City Council. Meetings are open to the public.
Intra Agency Council on Aging
A council composed of representatives from various City departments impacting the lives of seniors and persons with disabilities, such as the Department of Social Services, Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities, Richmond City Health District, Fire and Emergency Management, Police and others.
Mayor’s Annual Centenarian Luncheon
Sponsored by the OADS to recognize persons 100 years old or older living in the City of Richmond or have lived the majority of their adult years in the city; is an opportunity to acknowledge those among us who have witnessed events of the past century. In addition to the honorees and their families several federal, state and local officials are in attendance for this special occasion.
Veterans and Families Resource Fair
The OADS in partnership with the Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Administration Medical Center and community stakeholders host this resource fair for veterans and their families. Vendors are on site to provide valuable information on services in areas such as healthcare, employment, housing and legal assistance. This event is free and open to the public.
Seniors Engaged in Active Lifestyles (S.E.A.L)
The SEAL program is designed for older adults age 55 years and older who would like to remain active and engaged in the community through programs offered by the city. The components of the program support the following:
Civic & Community Engagement | Health & Wellness | |
Senior Book Clubs | Healthy Lifestyles Cooking Classes | |
Introduction to Writing Your Story | Nutrition Classes | |
Literacy Programs | Fitness Classes | |
Neighbor-to-Neighbor Volunteer Opportunities |
Health Fairs/Screenings |
Arts & Cultural | Workforce & Finance | |
Richmond’s History & Lecture Series | Financial Assistance | |
Theatrical Performances | Entrepreneurial Opportunities | |
Concerts | Senior Employment Assistance |
Informational Links
The Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services provides quality programs and services that empower individuals with disabilities to maximize their employment, independence and full inclusion into society.
Senior Connections, The Capital Area Agency on Aging offers a comprehensive range of Home and Community-Based Services for seniors age 55 and older, caregivers and persons with disabilities in the City of Richmond and the Counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, and Powhatan.
Virginia Easy Access for information on services for seniors and adults with disabilities and the providers that support them.
The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
Central Virginia Food Bank & FeedMore offers comprehensive hunger programs that help provide food to Central Virginia's most vulnerable residents: children, families, and seniors.
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People provide a wide range of services for low-income, elderly persons. The Senior Center is located at 1103 Oliver Hill Way, Richmond, VA 23223.
GRTC Transit System provides transportation services to the Richmond VA area and parts of Chesterfield and Henrico counties. These include fixed route and express route bus service, specialized services such as CARE and C-VAN, and RideFinders.
Alzheimer’s Association Greater Richmond Chapter informs the community about signs & symptoms, stages, diagnosis, research progress, treatment and care of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
AARP is a membership organization leading positive social change and delivering value to people age 50 and over through information, advocacy and service.
Senior Navigator is an internet service providing aging related information regarding health, housing, financial, legal & etc. for older adults, caregivers and family members.
City of Richmond Senior Navigatior
A Partnership for Healthy Aging
Welcome to our information page addressing the needs of seniors and those who care for them.
Here you will find local resources and information on health and aging, as well as local events and emergency information for your community. Using the "Quick Search" on the left, you will find everything from assisted living facilities to fitness, from adult day care services to Alzheimer's support groups, from flu shots to nutrition.
Hundreds of support services are available for seniors and caregivers in the City of Richmond, but they may be difficult to find if you don't know where to look. This site is designed to guide you through the process. For instructions on how to use the site or for more information about the partnership, look at "Things You Should Know" to the right.
To access this information, please visit