Payment Grace Period

The necessary City closures to protect the health and safety of our residents and businesses may have impacted the ability of tax and ratepayers to pay in a timely fashion through no fault of their own. The City of Richmond is providing such tax and ratepayers with additional time to pay all bills due in January without incurring penalty and interest for late payments. Bills for such tax and ratepayers with due dates in January 2025 will have a grace period during which they may be paid without penalty or interest of ten business days added.

Please see below for details on how this grace period may impact specific bill types:

Type Original Due Date Grace Period Due Date
Real Estate Taxes 1/14/2025 1/29/2025
Admissions Taxes 1/20/2025 2/3/2025
Transient Occupancy Taxes 1/20/2025 2/3/2025
Meals Taxes 1/20/2025 2/3/2025
Delinquent Payment Arrangements As stated on Payment Agreement As stated on Payment Agreement plus ten business days
Parking Tickets As stated on ticket As stated on ticket plus ten business days
Utility Bills As stated on bill As stated on bill plus ten business days
Utility PromisePay Agreements As stated on PromisePay Agreement As stated on PromisePay Agreement plus ten business days

Tax and ratepayers who do not pay by the stated grace period due date will have penalty and or interest applied as per code the following day which will be backdated to the original due date.

For questions about taxes and parking tickets, please enter a request by type using RVA 311.

For questions about utility bills, including PromisePay Agreements, please contact or call (804) 646-4646.