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1500 East Main St
Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23219


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Multi-Modal Transportation Development

Richmond: Virginia's Connected Capital

With a port, easy access to I-64, I-95, I-85, and I-295, rail, and a newly expanded airport, Richmond is already the hub for regional transportation. With partnerships at the local, regional, state and federal level, the City of Richmond continues to make transportation infrastructure a top priority. Main Street Station Learn more.

Richmond Marine Terminal

With its new partnership with the Port of Virginia, the Richmond Marine Terminal is central Virginia's domestic and international multi-modal freight and distribution gateway along the James River.  Learn more.

Richmond Multi-Modal Transportation Plan

Richmond Connects, the multi-modal transportation currently in development for the City of Richmond, places significant emphasis on multi-modal transportation implementation strategies. Learn more.

Main Street Station Phase 3 Improvements

Main Street Station will serve as the high-speed passenger rail hub for the Commonwealth - with 32 trains arriving and departing every day. Learn more.

Bus Rapid Transit

In an effort to provide environmentally-friendly, high-quality alternative transit, the DPW is undertaking this bus rapid transit study. Learn more.

2035 Regional Long-Range Transportation Plan

The Richmond Regional Planning District Commission, in partnership with all localities within the Richmond-Petersburg MSA, are developing this long-range plan to prepare for future growth with multi-modal transportation options. Learn more.

Bicycle, Trails & Pedestrian Program

In 2010, Mayor Dwight Jones made alternative transportation options a priority and assembled a commission to study existing conditions and develop an implementation plan to make the changes needed to make Richmond bike, running and walking friendly. Learn more.

Area Maps

The city of Richmond is located in the center of the greater Richmond region, Commonwealth of Virginia, and east coast. To view a set of maps that show more about Richmond's transportation networks, location and cost of living and business, click here.