Emergency and Public Officials Attend Natural Gas Safety Seminar
Richmond Gas Works hosted its annual natural gas safety seminar for approximately 50 emergency and public officials and first responders, Sept. 15 at its Safety and Operations Training Center on the Southside.
Richmond Gas Work officials explained the components of natural gas, leak recognition, and how natural gas is distributed throughout the Richmond Gas Works customer base.

Richmond Gas Works hosted its annual natural gas safety seminar for approximately 50 emergency and public officials and first responders, Sept. 15 at its Safety and Operations Training Center on the Southside.
Richmond Gas Work officials explained the components of natural gas, leak recognition, and how natural gas is distributed throughout the Richmond Gas Works customer base.
Last year, Richmond Gas Works responded to 2,472 outside leaks, 2,227 inside leaks, and 213 reports of carbon monoxide leaks. GRTC buses, refuse trucks operated by the Department of Public Works, and the Department of Public Utilities’ vehicle fleet all run on natural gas.
Attendees then broke up into three groups to attend interactive demonstrations at the facility’s Leak Town, Pipe Town, and Fire School. In Leak Town they learned in detail how Richmond Gas Works responds to reports of gas leaks, shutting off equipment, and evacuating customers when necessary and all the tools involved in the process.
In Pipe Town, they observed a variety of piping and valves involved in transporting natural gas from the gate stations to homes. At Fire School, Gas Works supervisors suited up in safety gear to demonstrate the various ways to safely extinguish natural gas fires.