City News

Pipeline Trail closure update

Posted September 13, 2024

The City of Richmond greatly values the James River as its sole source of finished drinking water and is also very cognizant of its beloved home for recreation and beautiful aquatic life. Over the years the City’s commitment and work, along with that of its partners has vastly improved the quality of the river as well as provided greater access to all visitors – including the Pipeline Trail (which was created when the combined sewer/stormwater pipe was installed nearly 50 years ago and suspended above the river).

The heightened focus on the pipeline due to recent repairs has highlighted ongoing safety concerns, which resulted in a temporary closure near the now abandoned section of pipe on the trail. There have been a number of documented safety hazards.

As the City of Richmond’s Department of Public Utilities focuses on the long-term solution of the combined sewer pipe with the catwalk (i.e. that has become known as the Pipeline Trail), ongoing access to this aging infrastructure will be required. Therefore, the portion of the trail that is the abandoned pipe will remain closed to the public to ensure the safety of all. The City strongly cautions against any rivergoers from traveling to the “beach” area near the pipe as safety hazards exist. The City of Richmond realizes a number of visitors access the river at this point. The James River can still be accessed at locations such as Pony Pasture, Reedy Creek, Ancarrows Landing, the Wetlands, Great Shiplock Park, Belle Isle, Dock Street or Tredegar Put-In.