How to Reach Us

Need to submit a service request?

Reach us by phone
During the Call Center hours listed below
Call us at 3-1-1 or 804-646-7000
Or Submit Anytime
on  Or download our mobile app


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For non-311 issues, see our Helpful Numbers page.
Call Center Hours

Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Call Center is OPEN during the hours listed above regardless of weather.

Call Center is CLOSED on Sundays, City holidays and the following holiday weekend Saturdays

  • March 8
  • April 19
  • July 5
  • November 29

The helpful guide below provides contact information for some other urgent issues currently not handled by RVA311.

For emergencies, residents should always call 911.


Emergency contact information graphic titled 'Who To Contact?' from Department of Citizen Service and Response. Lists emergency contacts (911 for police, fire, medical), urgent issues (Dominion Energy: 866-366-4357 for power outages; Public Utilities: 804-646-4646 for gas/water leaks, sinkholes; Non-Emergency Police: 804-646-5100 for road blockages, traffic signals; Continuum of Care: 804-972-0813 for homeless crisis), permits and inspections (Planning and Development: 804-646-1628), utilities billing (Public Utilities: 804-646-4646), and general concerns (RVA 311: dial 311 or 804-646-7000, website and mobile app available for issues like trash, repairs, zoning, parking).