Our Mission

To provide a comprehensive human resource management program that is focused on Person-Centered services that are Policy Compliant and delivered by a Professionally Competent team.

About Us

The Department of Human Resources (HR) provides service and support to its customers as we work together to build a better Richmond and become a Tier One City. The departmental mission supports the mayor's vision of Richmond becoming a Tier One City by providing person-centered services that are policy-compliant and delivered by a professional, competent team.

The department is responsible for a human resource management program that includes benefits administration, classification and compensation, recruitment and retention, training and development, employee relations and records management. Over 4000 employees are supported through the centralized Human Resources management structure with assigned portfolios. The director and deputy director provides the required leadership, management, administrative and technical oversight needed to promote optimum support and delivery of person-centered services.

One component of our person-centered mission structure is the HR Solutions Center. The HR Solutions Center is an information center available to assist all customers, both internal and external, with their HR-related questions and inquiries. Employees and citizens are encouraged to contact the HR Solutions Center for all their HR needs, such as employment status, personnel-related questions, express suggestions or complaints, request forms or documents, etc.

The city of Richmond is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug-Free work environment.

While visiting our various links, if you discover that your questions were not addressed, please contact our Solutions Center at (804)646-5660 or submit your questions and comments to Ask HR.