Community Resources
The Richmond Public Library lend books, pamphlets, musical scores, pictures, compact discs and audio and video tapes to citizens. Personal computers with Internet access are also available for use at each branch library.
Adults and children can receive a library card for use at any of the public library locations. The citizen must present both a driver's license (or a student ID card) and a document proving the current address. A paper card is free and a plastic card costs $1.
The library also presents a variety of programs and a monthly calendar of events is available online or at any library branch.
Richmonders who want the latest news have a variety of media outlets to tap. The daily Richmond Times-Dispatchnewspaper, multiple weekly newspapers, three television network affiliates, news radio stations and an internet news site keep locals well informed on capitol city happenings.
There are an estimated 1,000 houses of worship in the Richmond metropolitan area. Visit Church Finder to locate the denomination and congregation that meets your needs.
28,000 students are enrolled in 32 elementary schools, ten middle schools and nine high schools, six exceptional education schools and five vocational and alternative schools through Richmond Public Schools. The city is also home to four four-year universities and a number of two-year and special institutions that offer a full scope of higher educational and continuing education programs.
The city of Richmond Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities offers numerous opportunities for young people in cultural enrichment, health and physical education, recreation, citizenship and leadership and outdoor enrichment.
The city also provides after-school programs at many public school sites that offer a combination of social interaction, recreation, instruction and tutoring. The city's dance, swimming and golf programs are among those which have earned national recognition, and nearly every imaginable team sport is provided for young people in Richmond through the city.
For more information, please visit the Parks website or contact your local community center.
Name | Phone |
Boys & Girls Club of Metro Richmond | |
Afton Avenue Boys & Girls Club | |
Blackwell Boys & Girls Club | |
Calhoun Unit | |
Dove Court/Highland Park Boys & Girls Club | |
Fairfield Court Unit | |
Fulton Boys & Girls Club | |
Hillside Unit | |
Lincoln Manor Boys & Girls Club | |
Linden Row Boys & Girls Club | |
Southside Unit | |
Southwood Boys & Girls Club | |
The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club of Richmond | (804)222-3122 |
The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club | (804)222-3122 |
Westend/Randolph Unit | (804)359-1824 |
Whitcomb Court Unit | (804)643-7003 |
Branch | Address | Phone |
Downtown YMCA | 2 W. Franklin St. | (804)644-9622 |
Three James Center YMCA | 1051 E. Cary St., Suite 300 | (804)200-6070 |
Northside Family YMCA | 4207 Old Brook Rd | (804)329-9622 |
The city's Adult Protective Services staff investigates reports of abuse, neglect, (including self-neglect) and exploitation of adults 60 years and older as well as incapacitated individuals who are 18 years and older. Adult Protective Services are offered regardless of the person's income or financial resources. Persons who receive Protective Services may live alone, with relatives, in nursing homes, adult care facilities, hospitals, mental-care facilities, or with people to whom they are not related.
Please call (804)646-7405 for more informaion. Services are also offered to protect adults who are impaired but not incapacitated at (804)646-7212.
Clubs & Activities
The Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Facilities actively works with two major organizations: The Council of Senior Citizens' Organizations (COSCO) and The Affiliated Senior Citizens of Metropolitan Richmond. In addition to the assistance given to the many senior adult groups, our staff also coordinates numerous trips, activities, and special events. The staff also works closely with the Richmond City Commission on the Elderly and the Capital Area Agency on Aging (CAAA). Senior program specialists work with more than 78 senior clubs throughout the city.
Linwood Robinson Senior Center
Senior Citizens Self-Defense Classes
Senior citizens are frequently victims of crime. Senior Citizen Self-Defense classes offer seniors information about how they can protect themselves. Topics include self-defense techniques, home security, and communicating emergencies to police. Sessions are composed of one three-hour class each week for 13 weeks.
For more information contact the Police Training Academy at (804)646-6117.
Other Services
Some available services for seniors through the city include referral to area agencies, emergency assistance, home support, medical and personal care, legal and financial assistance, Medicaid, food stamps, burial assistance, companion services, adult day care services, transportation services and screenings for adult care facilities.
Contact the Department of Social Services for more information on these programs.