Statement from the Joint Construction Team Regarding the Costs of the New Mason Elementary School, Greene Elementary School and the New Middle School on Hull Street to be Named Later
The Facilities Plan adopted by the Richmond City School Board in December of 2017 including the following estimates for new school construction:
• George Mason Elementary School: $25 million
• E.S.H. Greene Elementary School: $35 million
• New Middle School on Hull Street: $50 million
These estimates have been updated now that the procurement process for the design and construction of all three schools has concluded:
• George Mason Elementary School: $36 million
• E.S.H. Greene Elementary School: $42 million
• New Middle School on Hull Street: $62 million
It is now clear the initial estimates, provided in 2017, under-represented the true cost of construction. Both RPS and the city had concerns this might be the case, which is why both entities discussed engaging a third party to evaluate the costs of rebuilding and/or renovating all RPS schools. The RPS administration brought this proposal to the school board on September 4, 2018 (see screen shot below). The cost of such an evaluation was initially estimated at $100,000, to be split evenly between the city and RPS. Upon further investigation, it was found the price would actually be closer to $200,000, or more. Given the higher cost, the school board decided not to proceed.