City News

From the Desk of the CAO: A letter to City staff

Richmond Begins Next Step in Three-Year Administrative Turnaround

July 25, 2024


Dear Team Richmond, 

I’m writing to thank you for your hard work in transforming the City of Richmond—and to say that we are just getting started.

When I became Chief Administrative Officer during the pandemic, key City offices were vastly understaffed, administrative processes were outdated, and recruitment needed to be improved. This slowed down delivery of basic services, and it prevented improvements in customer service. It put too much pressure on you. 

So together, we launched a 4-step turnaround plan: Hire more professional administrators, ensure recruitment and hiring practices that target qualified candidates, establish modern internal controls, and continuously monitor progress.  The plan is working, and it’s delivering results. For example, our current budget:  

  • Right sizes the Departments of Finance, Procurement, Social Services, and the City Attorney’s Office with additional positions.
  • Sets the minimum wage at $20/hour for all employees (one of the highest in the Commonwealth and certainly higher than the state’s $12 minimum wage and nearly three times the federal minimum wage of $7.25).
  • Provides an average of 7.0% pay increase for Sworn police and fire personnel.
  • Increases starting pay of Step 1 police officers and firefighters from $53,470 to $58,076.
  • Continues with salary competitiveness for eligible General Employees with a 4.0% increase.
  • Begins a multi-phased plan for market adjustments.
  • Supports citywide short- and long-term disability insurance as of January 2025.
  • Supports the new employee health clinics operated by Marathon health. 

Steps like these support everything we do in local government. For example, a professional credentialed Human Resources team enables us to fill hundreds of vacancies and attract qualified public servants. A better work environment leads to better services for residents, and that makes Richmond an even stronger city.   

Continuous improvement is the heart of our turnaround plan. We constantly measure how we’re doing, and we make adjustments along the way. That’s why Mayor Stoney has asked for an update of the 2017 assessment of City operations. Internally, we began the Internal Control Assessment in April and are now beginning the Procurement Services Assessment, which is authorized by the City’s FY 2025 budget that took effect July 1. As results come in, we will analyze them, make adjustments and keep moving.  

This administrative turnaround is designed to continuously improve operational performance, aiming to ensure a seamless transition as residents elect a new Mayor, City Council, and School Board in November. This is another sign of a thriving organization. 

It’s important to understand that this work is yielding clear results, and people are noticing. We can all be proud that Richmond earned its first ‘AAA’ bond rating last month. This is the country’s highest financial standard, and we have worked for many years to achieve it. This designation places us among the top tier of cities and counties around Virginia and around the country.  

Even so, steps like these rarely earn headlines. So, I want you to know that we will be telling this story more aggressively to the news media, starting this week. This includes setting the record straight about recent coverage that has been inaccurate at times. I also strongly believe that everyday City workers should not be targeted in news articles, when they are simply doing their jobs. 

That’s why, when I meet with reporters, I will start with your work. I will tell them how much I deeply appreciate your commitment to public service. I will show them how our watchwords are trust, respect, transparency, and accountability. 

And I will tell them how much more we must do. Public transit continues expanding around the region. Southside is growing fast, and it needs more services—from sidewalks to trees to entertainment, programming, and more. It’s simply not enough for everything to continue to be concentrated north of the river. 

All these projects can move faster, thanks to the stable foundation that we are building. 

I deeply appreciate your commitment to public service in the City that we all love so much. Your dedication inspires me. I want you to know that I see it, I hear it, and I value it.  

As we move forward, may we all continue committing to our shared vision and values. Let us continue to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in everything we do. Most of all, please remember that our work matters – it’s what keeps our beloved City of Richmond thriving and a cherished place to live.  

Once again, thank you.  

Yours in service,  

J.E. Lincoln Saunders