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Press Releases and Announcements

Maya Smart Returns to Richmond

Wife of Former VCU Basketball Coach is Promoting Early Childhood Literacy 

Maya Smart Reading of our lives

Richmond Public Library, Richmond Public Library Foundation, and The Friends of the Richmond Public Library are teaming up to raise awareness of alarming data that shows nearly 60% of Richmond children are not ready for kindergarten. To address the issue, the library groups have enlisted the help of Maya Payne Smart and invited her back to Richmond for a day-long literacy forum. 
Smart, a literary advocate, and author, recently published Reading for Our Lives: A Literacy Action Plan from Birth to Six. The book highlights the importance of parents interacting and having conversations with their babies to lay the foundation for future learning. Smart is the wife of Shaka Smart, former Head Coach of Men’s Basketball at Virginia Commonwealth University, and was the 2014 Richmond Christmas Mother. She says she still maintains close ties to Richmond and is honored to return and discuss the ways parents can help their children succeed.
“I’m most passionate about public libraries because they are the only place where everyone is totally welcome to walk in,” explained Ms. Smart.

Smart, an alumna of Harvard and Northwestern universities shares, “Standardized assessments are valuable but limited, alert systems,” adding, “Alarms ring; they don’t teach.”

She will share creative, easy, and fun ways to engage in reading and learning to help parents and caregivers prepare children for school. Her day in Richmond includes conversations with civic leaders and child-focused organizations, followed by Story Time at the Main Library. Her visit will conclude with a free public forum where she will serve as Keynote Speaker. Event honorary co-chairs are Meg Medina, National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, and the Honorable Jennifer McClellan.
“As the child of educators and mother of two children in Richmond Public Schools, I have long understood the importance of early childhood learning and literacy. Building literacy from an early age is a way to increase equity and build strong communities,” said Congresswoman McClellan. “Libraries play an integral role in these efforts and have a major impact in our communities. Connecting with neighborhood libraries means connecting to resources and trained staff dedicated to answering the needs of our communities. I applaud Maya’s ability to shine a light on how we, as a community, can support families through coordinated efforts. The logical place for this coordinated support is in partnership with our local libraries. Let’s come together in a way that supports our Richmond families.” 
Fellow honorary co-chair Meg Medina, National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature shared, “Maya Payne Smart offers a living example of how to make books and stories a joyful part of children’s lives as well as a vehicle to lift communities. Whether through her engaging blog series, her community leadership roles, or as an author, she has a track record of using practical ideas to inspire people and connect them.” 
Smart is scheduled to speak from 7 P.M. – 8 P.M., in the Robins Family Forum at the Virginia Museum of History and Culture. Her book will be available for purchase, and she will be available to autograph copies after her speech. The event is free and open to the public. Her visit coincides with National Library Week (See attached for a full list of events). For additional information or to schedule an interview, contact Scott Firestine, Library Director, Richmond Public Library at or (804) 646-4550.

More About Maya Payne Smart
Maya Payne Smart is a parent educator, literacy advocate, and author. Her website,, publishes new book lists, literacy activities, and other free family resources weekly to help parents play their dual roles as first teachers and educational advocates. She holds a master’s degree in journalism from the Medill School at Northwestern University and a bachelor’s in social studies with honors from Harvard University. She serves as affiliated faculty in Educational Policy and Leadership in the College of Education at Marquette University.

More about the Richmond Public Library
Richmond Public Library is celebrating 100 years of service to the City of Richmond with a series of RPL100 events to Inform, Enrich, and Empower our City’s residents. The Richmond Public Library Foundation supports a resilient and vibrant community through philanthropic investment in the Richmond Public Library, and the Friends of the Richmond Public Library organizes and maintains an association of people interested in the process and welfare of the Richmond Public Library. 

 National Library Week: April 23 – 29, 2023

The Richmond Public Library Presents:

Maya Smart, Reading for Our Lives


DATE: Tuesday, April 25, 2023




7:30 A.M. – 9 A.M.
Leadership Breakfast

*Private Event

Virginia Museum of History and Culture
428 N. Arthur Ashe Blvd., Richmond 23230


10:30 A.M. – 11:15 A.M.
Story Time featuring Maya Payne Smart

*Public Event

Richmond Public Library, Main Branch

101 E. Franklin St., Richmond 23219


5:30 P.M. – 6:45 P.M.
Donor Reception

*Private Event

Virginia Museum of History and Culture
428 N. Arthur Ashe Blvd., Richmond 23230


7 P.M. – 8 P.M. 
Maya Payne Smart, Community Talk with Book Signing

Public Event
Virginia Museum of History and Culture
428 N. Arthur Ashe Blvd., Richmond 23230




