Speed Limit Reductions and Additional Transportation Safety Measures being Implemented in Targeted Areas
Motorists who drive regularly around Richmond will need to take note of some changes in speed limits in some areas. In accordance with Mayor Levar M. Stoney’s Safe and Healthy Streets Challenge and the Vision Zero initiative, the Department of Public Works, Richmond Police Department and VCU Police are teaming up to promote the Mayor’s message as safety projects are underway.
Speed reductions from 35 mph to 25 mph on US Route 1 include:
• Jefferson Davis Highway from Albany Avenue to Hull Street
• Cowardin Avenue from Hull Street to Semmes Avenue
• Belvidere Street from Idlewood Avenue to Leigh Street
The decision to lower the speed came as a result of modifications in the GRTC Bus Network; higher density land use and the growth of VCU; exposure of pedestrians and cyclists to higher than average traffic volumes and wide crossings; and new signal timings that promote safer speeds and less illegal speeding.
Speed reductions from 35 mph to 30 mph also include Forest Hill Avenue/Semmes Avenue between Prince George Road and Cowardin Avenue.
In addition to the ongoing project to retime signalized intersections citywide (e.g using lead pedestrian intervals at certain high volume intersections), plans are underway to deploy additional high visibility crosswalk markings at intersections with traffic signals on major federal and state routes..
Various pedestrian safety focused improvements are also planned at signalized intersections at Rowe Street; Idlewood Avenue and Spring Street; Cowardin Avenue and Semmes Avenue, Hull Street and Cowardin Avenue and US Route 1 and Decatur Street in the coming years.
Key points in the Mayor’s Safe and Healthy Streets Challenge for residents and visitors to the City are:
• Share the Road
• Obey Speed Limits
• Buckle In
• Avoid Distractions
• Drive Sober
Vision Zero is a multidisciplinary global strategy aimed at eliminating all traffic crashes resulting in fatalities or severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy and equitable mobility for all.
Our current safety campaigns are focused on transportation users (people who walk, bike, ride transit and drive) and are based on the Mayor’s challenge and guidance from the VCU Brandcenter.