Contact Us

Richmond City Sheriff's Office
City of Richmond


1701 Fairfield Way

Richmond, VA
23223 USA

Email: Ask The Sheriff

Fax: (804)646-4291

If you would like Sheriff Antionette V. Irving to attend your event to speak or to be a guest please fill out the event form and state what your requests are. We would like to have at least 30 days advance notice. We look forward to attending your events.


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Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

The Richmond City Sheriff’s Office fully supports the guidelines set forth in this law and has ZERO-TOLERANCE for any and all incidents of sexual abuse and sexual harassment in accordance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003.

If you have information of someone being a victim of sexual abuse or sexual harassment in this facility, contact the PREA Hotline at (804-612-6126).


PREA Documentos en español