Contact Us

Minority Business Development

1500 East Main Street, 5th Floor 
Richmond, VA
23219 USA

Phone: (804) 646-5947

Fax: (804) 646-0136

Email: Ask Minority Business


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Advisory Board

Minority Business Enterprise/Emerging Small Business Advisory Board

The Minority Business Enterprise/Emerging Small Business Advisory Board (MBE/ESB) is composed of nine representatives of a minority business enterprise, two lenders or businesses other than a minority business enterprise, one Section 3 Contractor representative and one either at-large resident of the city or a member of the City Council.

The MBE/ESB Advisory Board provide advice and recommendations to the City Council and the Mayor on matters concerning the development of strategies, policies and operational procedures to achieve the city's goal to expand and improve recruitment, retention and contracting in all businesses and industries for minority business enterprises and emerging small businesses in the city. They also provide a report of the Board's advice and recommendations upon the request of either the City Council or the Mayor.

For the purposes of Section 2-761, the Board is classified as "advisory." The Office of the Chief Administrative Officer shall provide the necessary support for the Board. The Board shall meet no less than four times annually and shall keep minutes in accordance with the requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (Code of Virginia, §2.2-3700 et seq.).

Our Current Advisory Board Members


OMBD Advisory Board Members 2025

OMBD Advisory Board Members 2025 - 2