Contact the Department of Finance

Phone: (804) 646-7000

Please submit all inquiries using
the City's RVA 311 system

Department of Finance
900 E. Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219

RVA Stay - Gap Grant Program 

The City of Richmond’s Gap Grant Program is one of seven programs collectively known as RVA Stay. The Gap Grant Program provides a one-time income-based grant in the amount of $1,200 to qualifying applicants. Applications are currently being accepted through December 31, 2025. $3.9 million worth of grant funding will be provided on a first come, first serve basis. 

Please review the Gap Grant Program eligibility requirements below to learn more about the program. If you believe you may qualify, please see the subsequent sections for how to apply and what to expect after applying. 

Gap Grant Program Eligibility Requirements

In order to qualify for income-based assistance under the Gap Grant Program, applicants must meet and provide documentation for the following eligibility requirements: 

1. Must be a resident of the City of Richmond, Virginia 

  • Renters must have a current lease in their name to qualify 
  • Owners must have a current mortgage in their name to qualify 

2. Must meet the definition of low-income (80%) for the Richmond, Virginia, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) by household size according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): 

Persons in Family 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Low (80%) Income Limits ($) $61,800 $70,600 $79,450 $88,250 $95,350 $102,400 $109,450 $116,500

3. Must demonstrate that annual housing costs are equal to or greater than 30 percent of household income

  • Renter annual housing costs may include rent, tenant renter’s insurance for personal property, and utility costs
  • Owner annual housing costs may include mortgage payments and utility costs

4. Must not be receiving other housing assistance from the City of Richmond (e.g., public housing, housing choice voucher, or Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities (OAPD) Real Estate Tax Relief, etc.)

5. Must be current on all real estate taxes with the City of Richmond

  • Applicants who are delinquent, but currently in good standing in a payment arrangement agreement will be considered current – please see the Delinquent Collections page for more information on payment arrangements 

Gap Grant Program Application and Instructions

RVA Stay - Gap Grant Program Application Form

Please use the following steps to apply to the Gap Grant Program:

  • Download and complete the RVA Stay - Gap Grant Program Application Form, using the link above
  • Complete the application including Household Information, Total Household Expenses, Total Household Income, and Certification
  • Verify that you meet program requirements in terms of low income and housing burden greater to or equal to 30 percent
  • Add documentation for all entered fields under Total Household Expenses and Total Household Income to your application as a single .pdf
  • Submit your application on RVA 311 using the RVA Stay - Gap Grant Program inquiry type by providing your contact information and uploading your completed application as a .pdf using the Upload Attachment feature

The Department of Finance understands there may be barriers to digital submission of applications. Printed application forms may be picked up from Room 100 of City Hall and paper applications with complete documentation may be provided in person and a staff member will submit digitally on your behalf.

What to Expect After Application

Completed applications will be forwarded to and reviewed by the Department of Finance's Real Estate Unit to determine eligibility. Applications that are determined not to meet eligibility requirements as outlined will receive a notice of program denial from the Department of Finance. Recommended applications for approval will be referred to the Department of Social Services for approval by the Director of Social Services.

Applicants approved for participation in the Gap Grant Program will receive notice and grant award differently depending on if they are homeowners and renters:

  • Homeowners: Will have their $1200 grant applied to their real estate tax account. The balance of their account will be provided to them in the form of a check made out to the homeowner along with a Homeowner Gap Grant Acceptance Letter.
  • Renters: Will have their $1200 grant sent to their landlord using the contact information provided along with a Landlord Gap Grant Acceptance Letter to be applied to their rent. Renters will also receive a Renter Gap Grant Acceptance Letter confirming their inclusion in the program and provision of the grant funds to their landlord on their behalf.

All applicants will receive notice of their grant program acceptance or denial within 8 weeks of submitting a completed application.

Want to Spread the Word About the RVA Stay Gap Grant Program?

Please see our Gap Grant Program Marketing Brochure!