City News

The Mayor's Office

Statement of Mayor Levar M. Stoney on election of Dr. Cynthia Newbille as Richmond City Council President and Councilman Chris Hilbert as Vice President

I congratulate Dr. Cynthia Newbille on her election to Richmond City Council President. Dr. Newbille’s years of experience, steady hand and dedicated, compassionate public service will provide the thoughtful, progressive leadership necessary to meet the challenges facing our city and keep it moving forward in an efficient and positive direction.

On behalf of the City of Richmond, I would also like to thank Councilman Chris Hilbert for his tireless efforts over the last two years of service as council president. Councilman Hilbert’s leadership on important issues such as the biennial budget and our $150 million investment in new school facilities last year underscore his unwavering commitment to this great city.

My administration looks forward to working with President Newbille, Vice President Hilbert and all members of council over the next two years in our ongoing efforts to build and maintain One Richmond – an inclusive and competitive city that delivers the brighter future our residents and our children deserve.

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