Jahnke Road Improvements

Project Summary and Scope


Jahnke Road Improvements - From: Blakemore Road To: Forest Hill Avenue.


The project scope is to improve safety, accessibility, drainage, multi modal transportation and esthetics through the corridor.

Provide improved access to private entrances.

Install upgraded traffic signal at Forestview School Drive.

Install a center raised median (with landscaping) and turn lanes at high traffic volume intersections.

Installation of curb and gutter on both sides of Jahnke Road west of CSXT railroad.

Install 8’ shared use path on the north side of the project and a 5’ sidewalk on the south side.  The project will improve sidewalks between Forest Hill Ave and Clarence Street. ​New sidewalk will be constructed between Clarence Street and Blackmore Road.

A two-way cycle track will be added between Forest Hill Ave and Clarence Street along west bound Jahnke Road. Speed tables will be added at Westover Hills Elementary School 

Part of the Project Written Studies, Reports, Presentation

 Staff Report Ordinance of RW Necessity

 Ordinance Of RW Necessity

 RW plans

Typical Landscape Section Design

Project Milestones

Right of Way Acquisition - November 2016 - Complete

Construction Plans - January 2017 - Complete

Relocation of Utilities - January 2022- Complete

Re-Advertise for Construction - Spring 2025 - Planned

Complete Construction -  Fall 2027 - Planned

Project Funding

$25,560,000 – Federally funded.  

Project Budget: $29,000,000

Project Status Updates

  • Construction Re-advertisement Summer 2024 - Revised

Permit, information is listed below. For details please call the Department of Planning, Development and Review at 804-646-4169.



Expenses (costs are reported quarterly)

Life to Date:  $7,310,000

Project Contact Information, if you have questions about this project please contact this individual.

Performance Measures and Benchmarks

The construction is scheduled for two years.

Project Overall Status (Active, Pending or Complete)


Ordinance Information

See Link to ordinance in Project Studies section.

Contract Information

Project Manager Winston.Phillips@RVa.gov 

Project Engineering by Jacobs