The city of Richmond Department of Public Utilities (DPU) is undertaking a project to remediate and restore the property that once produced natural gas for city streetlights -- the old Fulton Gas Works -- for use as a potential city building. The project site, located at 3301 Williamsburg Avenue in the Fulton neighborhood in the east end of Richmond sandwiched between Main St/Rt. 5 and Williamsburg Road harkens back to the days of Richmond's industrial past.

Among other goals, the project seeks to improve the aesthetics of the neighborhood by developing the site for city usage, thereby improving the visual appeal of the surrounding area.

DPU proposes to restore Fulton Gas Works for reuse as the central location for the Gas Utility Sales and Marketing, Construction, Maintenance and Engineering sections with the intent of also attracting additional economic development and jobs.

As part of the 2016-2020 proposed Capital Improvement Program, this multi-phased project has an anticipated completion goal of December 2018. The first two phases involve environmental site assessments. Other phases include land planning, engineering and construction.