Contact Us

Sign up for the monthly RVAgreen 2050 newsletter here.

Call us at (804) 646-6957

Email us at



Check out the RVAgreen 2050 planning process website to learn more about opportunities to participate!

Want to do more now? See the tips and resources below to be more sustainable and resilient at home, at work, and in your community.

The actions you and your family take at home can make a difference and help RVAgreen 2050 create an equitable, healthy, resilient community!


Buildings & Energy


Transportation & Mobility

GRTC bus pass



  • Reduce, Reuse, Refuse, Recycle! The best way to reduce waste is to not create it in the first place. The next time you are offered disposable utensils, food or drink containers, or bags while eating out or shopping, say, “no thanks!” and bring your own reusable items!

  • Recycle curbside and earn rewards!

try composting


Environment & Climate Resilience  

The actions you, co-workers and your employer take can make a difference and help RVAgreen 2050 create an equitable, healthy, and resilient community!


Buildings & Energy


Transportation & Mobility




Environment & Climate Resilience

Encourage your neighbors, friends and civic associations to do their part to help RVAgreen 2050 create an equitable, healthy, and resilient community!


Buildings & Energy

  • Support neighborhood revitalization through adaptive reuse and sustainable renovations of existing buildings

  • Educate neighbors about energy efficiency: invite speakers from utilities or nonprofits to share resources available to the community to help reduce energy use

  • Learn about solar opportunities in your community (click on the "Solar" tab at the top of the page)

  • Coordinate to bulk purchase products and services such as solar panels and energy audits: you may get a discount if a large number of homes in one community negotiate a deal


Transportation & Mobility

GRTC Pulse

  • Support community gardens by getting involved with Richmond Grows Gardens

  • Keep our air clean by limiting idling when your vehicle is stopped for an extended period of time




Environment & Climate Resilience