City News

Press Releases and Announcements

Statement from the Joint Construction Team Regarding the Costs of the New Mason Elementary School, Greene Elementary School and the New Middle School on Hull Street to be Named Later

The Facilities Plan adopted by the Richmond City School Board in December of 2017 including the following estimates for new school construction:

    •    George Mason Elementary School:         $25 million
    •    E.S.H. Greene Elementary School:          $35 million
    •    New Middle School on Hull Street:           $50 million

These estimates have been updated now that the procurement process for the design and construction of all three schools has concluded:

    •    George Mason Elementary School:         $36 million
    •    E.S.H. Greene Elementary School:          $42 million
    •    New Middle School on Hull Street:           $62 million

It is now clear the initial estimates, provided in 2017, under-represented the true cost of construction. Both RPS and the city had concerns this might be the case, which is why both entities discussed engaging a third party to evaluate the costs of rebuilding and/or renovating all RPS schools. The RPS administration brought this proposal to the school board on September 4, 2018 (see screen shot below). The cost of such an evaluation was initially estimated at $100,000, to be split evenly between the city and RPS. Upon further investigation, it was found the price would actually be closer to $200,000, or more. Given the higher cost, the school board decided not to proceed.

Proposed Assessment Image

Not only were the initial cost estimates low, they also did not take into account the following:
    •    Construction costs have increased significantly over the past two years.
    •    The size of Greene Elementary School has been expanded from 650 students to 750 students.
    •    Per the policy adopted by the Richmond City Council (Res. 2015-R8-15), all schools must be LEED Silver certified, which adds significant expense.
    •    The current estimates include a 2% contingency, which if not necessary, will go unspent.

Background on the Joint Construction Team

After the passage of the meals tax last year, the City of Richmond and Richmond Public Schools agreed to develop a joint body, the Joint Construction Team (JCT), to manage the process of building new schools. This group includes the CAO, the mayor’s chief of staff, the superintendent, the RPS board chair and other representatives from each agency. The JCT meets weekly for one hour and only proceeds on key decisions when both parties agree. JCT representatives provide monthly updates to the school board and minutes from all JCT meetings are uploaded to RPS “Board Docs.”

Speed Limit Reductions and Additional Transportation Safety Measures being Implemented in Targeted Areas

Motorists who drive regularly around Richmond will need to take note of some changes in speed limits in some areas. In accordance with Mayor Levar M. Stoney’s Safe and Healthy Streets Challenge and the Vision Zero initiative, the Department of Public Works, Richmond Police Department and VCU Police are teaming up to promote the Mayor’s message as safety projects are underway.

Speed reductions from 35 mph to 25 mph on US Route 1 include:
•    Jefferson Davis Highway from Albany Avenue to Hull Street
•    Cowardin Avenue from Hull Street to Semmes Avenue
•    Belvidere Street from Idlewood Avenue to Leigh Street

The decision to lower the speed came as a result of modifications in the GRTC Bus Network; higher density land use and the growth of VCU; exposure of pedestrians and cyclists to higher than average traffic volumes and wide crossings; and new signal timings that promote safer speeds and less illegal speeding. 

Speed reductions from 35 mph to 30 mph also include Forest Hill Avenue/Semmes Avenue between Prince George Road and Cowardin Avenue.

In addition to the ongoing project to retime signalized intersections citywide (e.g using lead pedestrian intervals at certain high volume intersections), plans are underway to deploy additional high visibility crosswalk markings at intersections with traffic signals on major federal and state routes.

Various pedestrian safety-focused improvements are also planned at signalized intersections at Rowe Street; Idlewood Avenue and Spring Street; Cowardin Avenue and Semmes Avenue, Hull Street and Cowardin Avenue and US Route 1 and Decatur Street in the coming years.

Key points in the Mayor’s Safe and Healthy Streets Challenge for residents and visitors to the City are:
•    Share the Road
•    Obey Speed Limits
•    Buckle In
•    Avoid Distractions
•    Drive Sober

Vision Zero is a multidisciplinary global strategy aimed at eliminating all traffic crashes resulting in fatalities or severe injuries while increasing safe, healthy and equitable mobility for all.

Our current safety campaigns are focused on transportation users (people who walk, bike, ride transit and drive) and are based on the Mayor’s challenge and guidance from the VCU Brandcenter. 

Mayor to Host Town Hall Meetings for Proposed FY2020 Budget

Mayor Levar M. Stoney will be hosting community town hall meetings over the coming weeks to discuss his proposed FY2020 budget. The mayor presented his fully balanced budget to Richmond City Council on Wednesday, March 6, which includes an investment of $18.5 million for Richmond Public Schools, $16.2 million for roads and sidewalks, $2.9 million for affordable housing, an additional $965,000 for increased GRTC service and $485,000 in funding for eviction diversion.

Click here to view the presentation shown at each meeting.
Below are the scheduled Town Hall meetings:

Thursday, March 21
7 – 8:30 p.m.
Southside Community Center
6335 Old Warwick Rd.

Wednesday, March 27
6:30 – 8 p.m.
West End
Thomas Jefferson High School
4100 W. Grace St.

Tuesday, April 2
6:30 – 8 p.m.
Northside Family YMCA
4207 Old Brook Rd.
For more information, please contact Tameka Jefferson at or call (804) 646-6936.

Tackling the Financial Health Crisis in Richmond

The City Treasurer’s Office is proud to announce the Inaugural Financial Literacy Fair to be held on Friday, April 5, 2019 from 10 am – 3:30 pm in the lobby of City Hall.  Richmond city residents can earn chances at prizes by attending workshops on budgeting, savings and banking 101.  Financial counselors will also be available during the fair to talk through questions and issues individually with attendees.

The event will include remarks from the Mayor, Treasurer and other city officials. City Departments, GRTC and other organizations will have tables making information and resources available to give participants confidence in their financial decisions.

The purpose of this fair is to empower the citizens of Richmond to take more control of their finances and begin the initial steps needed to build personal wealth. The mission of the Richmond City Treasurer's Office is to inspire, encourage, and pursue the high possibilities of potential in others through the elimination of financial barriers by taking "Small Steps for Big Change." This literacy fair is one step toward positive change and hope you will take part.

For more information please contact Kimberly Morris at (804)646-6474 or

Emergency Preparedness Survey

Dear Richmond Resident, 

We want to hear from YOU! We would greatly appreciate you taking the time to participate in this 5-minute survey. The Richmond Office of Emergency Management is conducting a brief survey to assess the Richmond City residents' preparedness in the case of an emergency. 

We are asking you to provide information on your emergency preparedness education and awareness as well as how prepared you or your family are in the case of an emergency. The data collected from this survey will be used to create additional public outreach, but personal information will remain confidential. 

To take the survey, click here

Thank you for your time.

For questions or concerns, please contact the Richmond Office of Emergency Management at or (804) 646-2500.

Estimado(a) residente de Richmond, 

¡Queremos escuchar su opinión! Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para participar en esta encuesta de 5 minutos. La Oficina de Manejo de Emergencias de Richmond está realizando una breve encuesta para evaluar la preparación de los residentes de la Ciudad de Richmond en caso de una emergencia.

Le pedimos que brinde información sobre su educación y conocimiento sobre la preparación para emergencias, y sobre qué tan preparados están usted o su familia en caso de una emergencia. Los datos recopilados en esta encuesta se utilizarán para crear una mayor difusión pública, pero la información personal se mantendrá confidencial.

Para realizar la encuesta, haga clic aquí.

¡Gracias por su tiempo!

Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes, comuníquese con la Oficina de Asuntos Multiculturales de Richmond en llamando al (804) 646-0145.

Or search using "Type it, find it" above