The Mission of the Department of Justice Services is to promote a safe and healthy community through evidence-based practices that empower participants to achieve measurable success.
Phone: (804)646-8657
Department of Justice Services Administration
730 E. Broad Street, 8th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: (804)646-8937
Fax: (804)646-7051
Division of Adult Programs
306 N. 8th Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: (804)646-8955
Fax: (804)646-8994 or (804)646-0411
Juvenile Community Programs
306 N. 8th Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: (804)646-3264
Fax: (804)646-8869
Juvenile Detention Center
1700 Oliver Hill Way
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: (804)646-2937
Fax: (804)646-2990
Dawn Barber, Director (804) 646-3763
Philippa (Phil) Clarke, Director's Executive Assistant (804) 646-8937
Rhonda Gilmer, Deputy Director (804) 646-5410
Shannon Paul, Deputy Director (804) 646-5415
Learna Harris, Deputy Director (804-646-3544)
Robin Autry, Manager, Adult Day Reporting Center (804) 646-1525
Michael Martin, Superintendent, Richmond Juvenile Detention Center (804) 646-3456
Luis Mercado, Manager, Division of Adult Programs (804) 646-0331
Janice Roach, Program Operations Manager, Juvenile Programs (804) 646-2902
Ernestine Rollins, Management Analyst Principal (804) 646-3261
Brian Keith Crabtree, Manager, Home Electronic Monitoring (804) 646-8975
We welcome all comments and suggestions. Please let us know how we are doing and your suggestions on how we can improve the programs and services that we provide.
Frequently Asked Questions: Juvenile Programs
Please call the Richmond Department of Social Services Hotline at (804)646-0438. You can also call the state Child Protective Services Hotline (800)552-7096.
Please call (804)646-8087. Our Community Service Coordinator will provide information about orientation (youth must attend with parent/guardian) and participation.
The 13th District Court Service Unit at the Oliver Hill Courts Building can supply this information. You can call (804)646-2900.
Virginia law requires that any person 14 years of age or older, who is convicted of a felony, must submit to this procedure.
With the exception of very serious offenses, both the juvenile and adult justice systems generally give offenders an opportunity to demonstrate that they can learn from their mistake. These chances are usually combined with probation supervision to ensure the safety of the community and services to help the person overcome whatever deficits they may have, such as substance abuse, job training, etc.
The judge places a juvenile on probation for an offense to give the juvenile the opportunity to change the behavior causing the problem thus keeping the juvenile out of further trouble. Parole supervision is similar to probation where rules and regulations are concerned. However, parole supervision follows incarceration in a juvenile correctional center.
Frequently Asked Questions: Adult Programs
Yes, clients need access to a cell or landline phone.
It depends upon the stipulations outlined in the court order.
No, if the client is not working; yes if they’re working full-time. Fees are based on the HEM (Home Electronic Monitoring) payment sliding scale.
No, clients must reside in the City of Richmond, Henrico or Chesterfield.
Clients are not allowed to reside in hotels/motels permanently; extenuating circumstances however may mean they are allowed to reside there temporarily.
DAP provides supervision for both misdemeanor and felony offenders as an alternative to incarceration utilizing evidence-based practices. DAP supervises court-ordered special conditions, promotes offender accountability, and affords individuals an opportunity to achieve a successful personal life.
The mission of the Pretrial Services Act Program is to reduce jail overcrowding caused by the detention of pretrial defendants, assist the courts in making better-informed bond decisions, and enhance public safety through the evaluation and supervision of pretrial detainees.
- Conduct Risk Assessments using the validated statewide Virginia Pretrial Risk Assessment Instrument (VPRAI) which consists of interviews, criminal history checks, and background investigations of jailed defendants prior to a court arraignment
- Recommendations to the court regarding a defendant’s release on bond pending trial
- Supervision of defendants ordered to pretrial supervision as a condition of bond
- Monitoring of court-ordered conditions of bond that may include drug and alcohol testing
- Information and referral to services
- Written progress reports to the court on defendant compliance with supervision
The mission of the Comprehensive Community Corrections Act Program is to provide sentencing alternatives to the judiciary and the local criminal justice system in an effort to reduce jail overcrowding, enhance public safety, and offer remedial and rehabilitative opportunities to local offender populations.
- Local probation supervision for adult offenders ordered from the court
- Initial contact with probationers at sentencing in the Richmond City Courts
- Risk/Need Assessments using the Offender Screening Tool (OST) and a modified version (MOST)
- Face-to-face meetings with probationers monthly or as indicated by the Risk Assessment
- Intake interview to determine the need for additional information or services
- Drug testing
- Manage all aspects of court requirements (e.g. community service, drug testing or treatment, evaluations, counseling, employment)
- Community Service Work Supervision
- Information and referral to services
Written progress reports to the court on probationer compliance with supervision
In-house and Local Providers offer the following services:
- Anger Management
- Moral Recognition Therapy (MRT)
- Substance Abuse Education Courses
- Domestic Violence Intervention Groups
- Shoplifting Class
Other services as necessary
The RDRC is a community-based program designed to increase public safety by addressing the participant’s criminal thinking and improving decision-making abilities.
The program is self-paced.
- The program consists of three phases.
- Each phase has specific goals/requirements that must be met to move to the next phase.
- Participants move through the program at their own pace based on how quickly they meet their goals/requirements.
Sanctions and incentives are incorporated into the program to address non-compliance issues and reward positive progress.
Services include:
- Alcohol / Drug Testing
- Anger Management
- Behavior Change Plans
- Case Management
- Cognitive Behavioral Interventions to support behavior change and skill building
- Employment / Job Readiness Skills (OCWB)
- Life Skills
- Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)
- Seeking Safety
- Skill Building
- Substance Use Education, Treatment, & Relapse Prevention
Therapeutic Counseling
Yes, all participants must be sentenced to the RDRC by a City of Richmond court.
The court orders an individual to the RDRC to complete an assessment to determine whether they are eligible, and appropriate, for the program. Individuals must assess as medium or high risk to re-offend and must be able to safely and fully participate in the program.
No, there are no offenses that automatically prohibit an individual from participating in the RDRC.
Yes, however, participants must have the ability to report to the RDRC multiple times per week based on their individual plans.
No, there is no cost for participating in the RDRC.
Yes, participants must comply with the terms of their pretrial and/or probation supervision obligations.
Participants may report to the RDRC multiple times each week based on their plan and progress in the program.
No, participants may not bring family or friends with them to their appointment.