City News

The Mayor's Office

Richmond City Health District confirms first city resident deaths from COVID-19

The Richmond City Health District is reporting the first two deaths of City of Richmond residents related to confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19.

Both patients were males in their 70s and died while hospitalized.  Both suffered from underlying, chronic conditions

According to RCHD, both men were known to have recently spent time working in New Jersey.  The Richmond City Health District is in communication with state health authorities and is conducting an investigation to determine those who may have come into contact with the men.

“We are deeply saddened to learn that this pandemic has claimed its first lives in our community, and my condolences go out to the families of these men,” said Mayor Levar Stoney. “This virus knows no borders, which is why it is critically important that we continue to follow health protocols established by the Centers for Disease Control and adhere to Governor Northam’s executive order. Stay home and keep Richmond safe.”

“Every loss we experience at the hands of this disease is tragic,” said Dr. Danny Avula, director of the Richmond City and Henrico Health Districts.  "I hope this news gives our community even more resolve to stay home, strictly follow the isolation and quarantine guidelines, and to limit our physical interactions with others.”

For more information on the impacts of COVID-19, visit

For more information on the city’s response to COVID-19, visit