City News

The Mayor's Office

March 24 COVID-19 Public Briefing

Evictions are Halted in Richmond

“No evictions will be executed during this state of emergency.”

Mayor Stoney released a statement detailing the current status of eviction procedures during the pandemic. Click here to read it in full.

Richmond is Safer and Stronger at Home

The Mayor and city leaders warn that if residents do not practice social distancing in parks, they could be closed.

Mayor Stoney, Parks Director Chris Frelke, and Police Chief Will Smith announced their intent to enforce social distancing in parks and other outdoor spaces, warning residents to stay six feet apart or risk the closure of the parks. This includes abstaining from basketball, pickleball, field sports, and similar activities that require touch. 

Residents are encouraged to use the outdoors as a means by which to take a break, get exercise, and maintain mental health. However, residents should maintain the suggested six feet distance from other humans and pets and wash hands as soon as they return home. 

Click here to watch the video.

The Governor’s briefing today reiterated warning and guidance from yesterday. 

The restrictions on non-essential businesses go into effect at 11:59 on Tuesday, March 24. You can read more here. The Governor’s Office has provided a frequently asked questions document here. 

Services Continue to Evolve

The state typically requires that businesses interested in the Enterprise Zone program submit a hard copy application, but that requirement is now waived. 

Interested parties may submit applications online here until April 1. 

The city maintains an updated list of essential services available during the closure. 

Recently, we added Richmond Behavioral Health Authority’s service modifications and information on jury duty for the Circuit Court. Click here to access it.