City News

The Mayor's Office

Business grant available through Capital Region Workforce Board

The Commonwealth of Virginia recently awarded a $201,000 grant to the Capital Region Workforce Board to reimburse Richmond Area businesses with certain costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic. $40,292 from this grant is available for businesses located in the City of Richmond.  

The grant is meant to allow businesses to stay open while operating safely and with their employees' health as a top priority. 

Eligible uses of grant funds include paying for cleaning services, cleaning supplies, or items that can assist employees in teleworking.  Other COVID-19 related items can be considered on a case-by-case basis.  

Reimbursement is available for allowable costs incurred between March 1, 2020 and August 31, 2020.  Businesses must first incur the cost and present proof of payment to be reimbursed. Note that equipment with a per unit value over $5,000 and wages are not reimbursable with this grant program.

The City of Richmond is working with the Capital Region Workforce Board to make as many grants as possible with the limited funding available.  Grant awards will be made until the all of the funds are used.

The grant application can be found at: