(01) Aerosol Products Aerosol Products Permit Holder Guideline #1 PERMIT TITLE: Aerosol Products CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 5101.2 SCOPE: The provisions of this chapter and NFPA 30B shall apply to the manufacturing, storage, and display of aerosol products. Manufacturing of aerosol products using hazardous materials shall also comply with Chapter 50 FEE: Annual $200 Payable to the City of Richmond PERMIT EXPIRATION: One (1) Year from the date issued REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) information for aerosol products display shall be kept on the premises at an approved location. When an active fire protective (alarm or suppression) system is provided, it is the owner or tenant responsibility to have an annual test performed and keep necessary documentation on-site at all times. Cartons shall be identified on at least one side with the classification level of the aerosol products. Solid pile and palletized storage shall be arranged so the maximum travel distance to an aisle is 25 feet. Rack storage shall be arranged with a minimum aisle width of 8 feet between rows of racks and 8 feet between racks and adjacent solid pile or palletized storage. Where early suppression fast response sprinklers provide automatic sprinkler protection, the minimum aisle width shall be 4 feet. Download the Permit Application (02) Special Amusement Buildings (updated 2020) Special Amusement Buildings Permit Holder Guideline #2 PERMIT TITLE: Amusement Buildings (Special) CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 107.2 SCOPE: A permit is required to operate in A building that is temporary, permanent, or mobile that contains a device or system that conveys passengers or provides a walkway along, around, or over a course in any direction as a form of amusement arranged so that the egress path is not readily apparent due to visual or audio distractions or an intentionally confounded egress path, or is not readily available because of the mode of conveyance through the building or structure. FEE: Annual $200 Operational $200 Payable to the City of Richmond PERMIT EXPIRATION: Event Duration (or Annual for permanent sites). REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: All special amusement buildings shall meet all requirements of assembly occupancies (including staff trained and drilled in emergency procedures). An approved sign noting the maximum occupancy load as approved by the Building Official shall be posted near the main entrance to the assembly room. The "Certificate of Occupancy" issued by the Building Official shall be available for review by the FIRE OFFICIALS. No overcrowding allowed. (Defined as exceeding the approved occupant load or crowding that blocks the means of egress). Exits shall not be secured from the egress side and shall be kept ready for ease of escape during occupancy. Fire protection equipment shall be maintained and inspected with a copy of the current inspection reports available on site. No storage of any kind (temporary or otherwise) is allowed to block exits, exit aisles, or exit discharges. All aisles leading to the exits and from the exits to the public way are to remain unobstructed at all times. Parking shall not obstruct exit discharges. All exit signs shall be visible and all illuminated exit signs shall be illuminated at all times the building is occupied. All egress lighting shall illuminate when tested. When the design of egress path is designed to confuse; directional exit marking that becomes apparent in an emergency shall be provided. All decorative materials shall be either noncombustible or flame-resistant in accordance with both large and small scale flame test of NFPA 701. The interior finish of all structures shall be maintained as approved. Download the Permit Application (03) Assembly & Educational Occupancies (Updated 2020) Assembly & Educational Occupancies Permit Holder Guidelines #3 PERMIT TITLE: Assembly & Educational Occupancies CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 107.2 FEE: Annual $200 Operational $200 Payable to the City of Richmond SCOPE: Requirements and Guidelines for Public Assembly & Educational Facilities. Permits may be required by the FIRE OFFICIAL as permitted under the SFPC in accordance with Table 107.2, except that the FIRE OFFICIAL shall require permits for the manufacturing, storage, handling, use, and sale of explosives. In accordance with Section 5601.2.3.1, an application for a permit to manufacture, store, handle, use, or sell explosives shall only be made by a designated individual. PERMIT EXPIRATION: ONE (1) year from the date issued, unless operational. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: An approved sign noting the maximum occupancy load as approved by the Building Official shall be posted near the main entrance to the assembly room. The “Certificate of Occupancy” issued by the Building Official shall be available for review by the FIRE OFFICIALS. No overcrowding allowed. (Defined as exceeding the approved occupant load or crowding that blocks the means of egress.) A tracking system (hand counters or another method) that correctly reflects the number of people on the premises is to be maintained at all times. Exits shall not be secured from the egress side and must be kept ready for ease of escape when occupied. No storage of any kind (temporary or otherwise) is allowed to block exits, exit aisles, or exit discharges. All aisles leading to the exits and from the exits to the public way are to remain unobstructed at all times. Parking shall not obstruct exit discharges. All exit signs shall be visible and all illuminated exit signs shall be illuminated at all times the building is occupied. All egress lighting shall illuminate when tested. All decorative materials shall be either non-combustible or flame-resistant in accordance with both large and small scale flame test of NFPA 701. The interior finish of all structures shall be maintained as approved. No open flame such as candles shall be used without first obtaining approval and a permit from the Fire Marshal’s office. Fireworks and Pyrotechnics shall not be used without first obtaining approval and a permit from the Fire Marshal’s office. All employees shall be trained on emergency evacuation procedures and fire extinguisher use and shall participate in quarterly evacuation drills. All smoking materials shall be disposed of properly to prevent fires. Download the Permit Application (04) Airports, Heliports and Helistops (updated 2020) Aviation Facilities, Aircraft Servicing, Repairs, or Fueling from Vehicles Permit Holder Guideline #4 PERMIT TITLE: Aviation Facilities CODE SECTION: Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 2001.3 FEE: Annual $200 Payable to the City of Richmond SCOPE: An operational permit is required to use a Group H or Group S occupancy for aircraft servicing or repair and aircraft fuel-servicing vehicles. Additional permits required by other sections of this code include, but are not limited to, hot work, hazardous materials, and flammable or combustible finishes. (Need other permits to do hot work, or store fuel beyond aircraft or vehicle) PERMIT EXPIRATION: ONE (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, any special instructions noted on the permit, as well as the following: Limit activities to approved areas (per building code and fire code official's inspection). "No Smoking, Open Flame or Ignition Sources" (including matches or lighters) shall be posted within 50 feet of aircraft fueling/refueling areas. Activities in the area affected by a fuel spill shall be restricted to the mitigation of that spill until the hazard is removed or mitigated. Promptly report all spills to the Fire Marshal’s office. Periodically inspect fueling hose (daily, monthly); immediately make safe when faults are found. Aircraft-fueling vehicles shall be attended and operated only by qualified persons. During fuel-transfer operations; a second qualified person shall participate. At least (1) 80 B: C rated fire extinguisher readily available during an activity at long-term helipad area. Aircraft fuel-servicing vehicles shall have at least two 20 B: C rated fire extinguishers, with one readily accessible from either side. Number and rating (agent capacity) of fire extinguishers at stationary fuel-dispensing stations are based upon fueling system capacity. Aircraft operation area and related areas shall be kept free of combustible debris at all times. Copy of permit, MSDS for fuels, and emergency contact information shall be readily available on-site at all times. Download the Permit Application (05) Battery Systems Battery Systems PERMIT TITLE: Battery System CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 601.2 FEE: Annual $200 Payable to the City of Richmond SCOPE: Permits shall be obtained for refrigeration systems, battery systems, and solar photovoltaic power systems as outlined in Section 107.2. Stationary lead-acid battery system with over 50 gallons of liquid capacity PERMIT EXPIRATION: ONE (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: Vented (flooded) batteries shall be provided with safety venting caps and approved methods and materials to control and neutralize an electrolyte spill. Valve-regulated battery systems shall have self-sealing flame-arresting safety vents and: approved method and materials for neutralizing an electrolyte leak a listed device or other approved method to preclude, detect and control thermal runaway where batteries are inside a cabinet, the cabinet shall: be vented to avoid more than 1% (by volume of the cabinet) of hydrogen concentration be within 10 feet of equipment they support when in occupied work areas have exterior label about the voltage and current of the contained battery system interior signs about relevant electrical, chemical, and fire hazards. 3. Both battery systems shall have approved signs on doors into rooms or buildings containing a stationary lead-acid battery system. The signs shall state that the room contains a lead-acid battery system, energized electrical circuits and that the battery electrolyte solutions are corrosive are corrosive liquids. Download the Permit Application (06) Cellulose Nitrate Film Cellulose Nitrate Film Permit Holder Guideline #6 PERMIT TITLE: Cellulose Nitrate Film CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 107.2 & 306 FEE: Annual $200 Payable to the City of Richmond SCOPE: A permit is required for the storage, use, or to handle of Cellulose Nitrate Film. Storage of cellulose nitrate film shall be in accordance with NFPA 40. PERMIT EXPIRATION: One (1) Year from Date of Issue. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, NFPA 40, and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: Nitrate films shall be kept in closed, individual metal cans, or DOT-approved containers; unless being worked on, used, or examined. Cellulose nitrate film shall not be handled unless the room has at least two remote exits with aisles at least 30 inches wide. Not more than 15 people shall work in any room at one time where nitrate film is handled. Tables and racks where nitrate film is stored or worked on shall be made of noncombustible materials or wood not less than one & one-half inch at its smallest dimensions. In any room where nitrate film is stored or handled; artificial light shall be restricted to incandescent or fluorescent light. Artificial heat shall be restricted to steam or hot water only and not exceed 15psi. for any room where nitrate film is used or handled. Cellulose nitrate film shall not used or handled in quantities greater than 50 lbs. unless the room is protected by an Extra Hazard Occupancy Sprinkler System. Nitrate film not in use shall be stored in an approved cabinet or vault per NFPA 40. Scrap nitrate film shall be collected daily and stored underwater in a metal container with a tight-fitting cover. Every room where nitrate film is handled or stored shall be equipped with a water solution or portable water fire extinguisher. Any nitrate film transported by public conveyance shall comply with DOT shipping regulations and other applicable regulations. Download the Permit Application (07) Procedures for Dust Explosion Hazards Procedures for Dust Explosions Hazards Permit Holder Guideline #7 PERMIT TITLE: Procedures for Dust Explosion Hazards CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 2201.2 & 107.2 FEE: Annual $250.00 Payable to the City of Richmond SCOPE: Permit required for operations involving combustible dust*. *Defined: Finely divided solid material which is 420 microns or less in diameter and when dispersed in the air in proper proportions; could be ignited by a flame, spark, or other sources of ignition. Combustible dust will pass through the standard U.S. No. 40 sieve. *Examples of where dust might be found include Grain elevator, feed mills, or operations in pulverizing aluminum, coal, spices, or similar materials. PERMIT EXPIRATION: ONE (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: Smoking or the use of heating or other devices employing an open flame or the use of spark-producing equipment is prohibited in areas where combustible dust is generated, stored, manufactured, processed, or handled. Accumulation of combustible dust shall be kept to a minimum in the interior of buildings. Accumulated combustible dust shall be collected by vacuum cleaning or other means that will not place combustible dust into suspension in air. Forced air or similar methods shall not be used to remove dust from surfaces. Download the Permit Application (08) Combustible Fibers Combustible Fibers Permit Holder Guideline #8 PERMIT TITLE: Combustible Fibers CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 3107 FEE: Annual $200 Payable to the City of Richmond SCOPE: Readily ignitable and free-burning materials in a fibrous or shredded form, such as cocoa fiber, cloth, cotton, excelsior, hay, hemp, henequen, istle, jute, kapok, oakum, rags, sisal, Spanish moss, straw, tow, wastepaper, certain synthetic fibers or other like materials. This definition does not include densely packed baled cotton. PERMIT EXPIRATION: ONE (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: Ashes, waste, rubbish, or sweepings shall not be placed in wood or other combustible receptacles and shall be removed daily from the structure. Grass or weeds shall not be allowed to accumulate at any point on the premises. A minimum clearance of 3 feet (914 mm) shall be maintained between automatic sprinklers and the top of piles. Loose combustible fibers, not in suitable bales or packages and whether housed or in the open, shall not be stored within 100 feet (30480 mm) of any structure (unless otherwise approved). Loose combustible fibers in quantities of not more than 100 cubic feet (3m3) located in a structure shall be stored in a metal or metal-lined bin equipped with a self-closing cover. Loose combustible fibers in quantities exceeding 100 cubic feet (3 m3) are limited to storage areas approved by city building (and/or zoning) code officials. A maximum of 2,500 cubic feet (70 m3) of loose combustible fibers shall be stored in a detached structure, with openings protected against the entrance of sparks. The structure shall not be occupied for any other purpose. Bailed combustible fibers shall be limited to single blocks or piles not more than 25,000 cubic feet (700 m3) in volume; not including aisles or clearances. Blocks or piles of baled fiber shall be separated from adjacent storage by aisles not less than 5 feet (1524 mm) wide or by flash-fire barriers constructed of continuous sheets of non-combustible material extending from the floor to a minimum height of 1 foot (305 mm) above the highest point of the piles and projecting not less than 1 foot (305 mm) beyond the sides of the piles. Sisal and other fibers in bales bounded with combustible tie ropes, jute, and other fibers that swell when wet, shall be stored to allow for expansion in any direction without affecting building walls, ceilings, or columns. A minimum clearance of 3 feet (914 mm) shall be required between walls and sides of piles; except that where the storage compartment is not more than 30 feet (9144 mm) wide the minimum clearance at side walls shall be 1 foot (305 mm) provided that a center aisle not less than 5 feet (1524 mm) wide is maintained. Download the Permit Application (09) Compressed Gases Compressed Gases Permit Holder Guideline #9 PERMIT TITLE: Compressed Gases CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 5301.2 FEE: Annual $200 Payable to the City of Richmond SCOPE: Need a permit for storage, use, and handling of compressed gases, such as any toxic, or over: 200 cubic ft. corrosive or flammable, 504 cubic ft. oxidizing (including oxygen), 6000 cubic ft. inert or asphyxiant, or 12000 cubic ft. air (inclusive of nitrogen or other inert gas with between 16 to 30% oxygen; with less than 16% deemed asphyxiant and over 30% as oxidizer). Partially full containers, cylinders, or tanks containing residual gases shall be considered as full for the controls required. Compressed gas containers, cylinders, and tanks shall comply with this section. Compressed gas containers, cylinders, or tanks that are not designed for refillable use shall not be refilled after the use of the original contents. PERMIT EXPIRATION: ONE (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: Cylinders should be stored in an upright position except for those used in a horizontal position. Stationary and portable compressed gas containers, cylinders; & tanks shall be marked with the name of the gas and in accordance with NFPA 704. Markings shall be visible from any direction of approach. Compressed gas containers, cylinders; & tanks shall be secured against accidental dislodgement and access by unauthorized personnel. Areas used for the storage, use, and handling of compressed gas containers, cylinders, tanks, and systems shall be secured against unauthorized entry and safeguarded in an approved manner. Compressed gas containers, cylinders, tanks, and systems that could be exposed to physical damage shall be protected. Guard posts or other approved means shall be provided to protect compressed gas containers, cylinders, tanks, and systems indoors and outdoors from vehicular damage. Compressed gas container, cylinder, and tank valves not being used or serviced shall be protected from physical damage using protective caps, collars, or similar devices. Compressed gas containers, cylinders, and tanks designed for valve protection caps or other protective devices shall have the caps or devices attached. When outlet caps or plugs are installed, they shall be in place. Download the Permit Application (10) Covered Mall Buildings Covered Mall Buildings Permit Holder Guideline #10 PERMIT TITLE: Covered Mall CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 403.11.1.1 through 403.11.1.6. FEE: Annual 200.00 Operational $40.00 Payable to the City of Richmond SCOPE: The provisions shall govern the occupancy and maintenance of all structures and premises for precautions against fire and the spread of fire. Covered Mall Buildings: A single building enclosing several tenants and occupants such as retail stores, drinking and dining establishments, entertainment and amusement facilities, passenger transportation terminals, offices, and other similar uses wherein two or more tenants have a main entrance into a mall area. PERMIT EXPIRATION: One (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: Indoor Displays Fixtures and displays of goods for sale to the public shall be arranged to maintain free, immediate, and unobstructed access to exits. The display of highly combustible goods, including but not limited to flammable or combustible liquids, liquefied flammable gases, oxidizing materials, pyroxylin plastics, and agricultural goods, in main exit access aisles, corridors, covered malls, or within 5 feet of entrances to exits and exterior exit doors is prohibited when a fire involving such goods would rapidly prevent or obstruct egress. Liquid or gas-fueled vehicles, boats, or other motor craft shall not be located indoors except as follows: Batteries are disconnected. Fuel in fuel tanks does not exceed one-quarter tank (1/4) or 5 gallons (whichever is less). Fuel tanks and fill opening are closed and sealed to prevent tampering. Vehicle, boat, or other motor craft equipment are not fueled or defueled within the building. Storage of combustibles materials in buildings shall be orderly. Storage shall be separated from heaters or heating devices by distance or shielding so that ignition cannot occur. Storage shall be maintained 2 feet or more below the ceiling in non-sprinkled areas of buildings or a minimum of 18 inches below sprinkler head deflectors in sprinkled areas of buildings. Combustibles materials shall not be stored in exits or exit enclosures. Combustibles materials shall not be stored in boiler rooms, mechanical rooms, or electrical equipment rooms. Required emergency evacuation drills shall be held quarterly for all employees to familiarize all occupants with the drill procedure. Fire safety plans shall include the following: The procedure for reporting a fire or other emergency. The life safety strategy and procedures for notifying, relocating, or evacuating occupants. Site plans indicating the following: The occupancy assembly point. The location of fire hydrants. The normal routes of fire department vehicle access. Floor plans identifying the locations of the following: Exits. Primary evacuation routes. Secondary evacuation routes. Accessible egress routes. Areas of refuge. Manual fire alarm boxes. Portable fire extinguishers. Occupant use hose stations. Fire alarm annunciators and controls. A list of major fire hazards associated with the normal use and occupancy of the premises, including maintenance and housekeeping procedures. Identification and assignment of personnel responsible for maintenance and equipment installed to prevent or control fires. Identification and assignment of personnel responsible for maintenance, housekeeping, and controlling fuel hazard sources. A lease plan shall be prepared for each covered mall building. The plan shall include the following information in addition to that required by Fire Safety Plans. Each occupancy, including identification of tenant. Exits from each tenant space. Fire protection features, including the following: Fire department connections. Fire command center. Smoke management system controls. Elevators and elevator controls. Hose valves outlets. Sprinkler and standpipe control valves. Automatic fire extinguishing systems areas. Automatic fire detectors zones. Fire barriers. The lease plan shall be submitted to the fire code official for approval and shall be maintained on-site for immediate reference by responding to fire service personnel. Unoccupied tenant space shall be kept free from storage, combustible storage waste, and be broom swept clean. Covered malls buildings exceeding 50,000 square feet shall be provided with a standby power system that is capable of operating the emergency voice/alarm communication. Download the Permit Application (11) Cryogenic Fluids Permit Holder Guideline #11 PERMIT TITLE: Cryogenic Fluids CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code): 5501.2, 5801.2, 6301.2 FEE: Annual $200.00 Payable to the City of Richmond SCOPE: Shall obtain a permit to produce, store, use, handle, or dispense cryogenic fluids (boils below -130 F at 14.7 psi) over the amounts listed in Table A below. Permits are not needed for vehicles equipped for and using cryogenic fluids as a fuel for propelling the vehicle or for refrigerating the lading. PERMIT EXPIRATION: One (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: Mark containers and post-NFPA 704 sign at the entry to areas with hazardous materials. Have MSDS and site/floor plan (noting locations of hazardous materials, controls, spill response gear, and items/areas of special concern) readily available on-site and a current copy filed with FIRE OFFICIAL. Containers, piping, valves, and other appurtenances to be protected from damage and tampering; appropriately marked as to contents and function. No containers shall be within 10 feet of air intakes, building exits, or combustible materials. Containers and systems to have pressure release valves, easy for inspection and maintenance. Promptly remove, replace or repair leaking, damaged, or corroded containers or systems. Areas with controls or potentially hazardous contact to persons to be adequately lighted. Table A: Type Inside a Building Outside of Building Flammable: More than 1 gallon 60 gallons Oxidizer (includes oxygen) 10 gallons 50 gallons Inert 60 gallons 500 gallons Physical or health hazard,(not indicated above) Any amount Any amount For SI: 1 gallon = 3.785 L Download the Permit Application (12) Dry Cleaning Permit Holder Guideline #12 PERMIT TITLE: Dry Cleaning CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 2101.2 FEE: Annual $200 Payable to the City of Richmond SCOPE: The use and storage of solvents used in dry cleaning system operations. PERMIT EXPIRATION: ONE (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: Dry cleaning solvents shall be classified according to their flashpoints. Classification of dry cleaning plants and systems shall be classified based on the solvents used. Staff shall be trained for equipment or chemical emergencies. Dry cleaning by immersion and agitation in open vessels are prohibited. No solvent shall be used with a flashpoint below the machine’s design or listing. Maximum 1-gallon solvents with a flashpoint below 100 F/ 38 C at each work station; dispensed by approved safety can for spotting and pre-treating. A minimum of two 2-A:10B: C portable fire extinguishers shall be provided near the doors inside dry cleaning rooms containing Type II, Type III-A, and Type III-B dry cleaning systems. Download the Permit Application (13) Exhibits and Trade Shows Permit Holder Guideline #13 PERMIT TITLE: Exhibits and Trade Shows CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 107.2 FEE: $150.00 to $250.00 Payable to the City of Richmond SCOPE: An operational permit is required to operate exhibits and trade shows. PERMIT EXPIRATION: During the times of the event only (operational). REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: A copy of the certificate of insurance, with a face value of no less than one million dollars showing the City of Richmond as “additional insured as the certificate holder, when the event is being held in a facility outside of its normal use group (non-typical use group of a facility). When the venue has an approved current Assembly permit; no Exhibit and Trade Shows permits are required (non-typical use group is not included). An approved sign noting the maximum occupancy load as approved by the Building Official shall be posted near the main entrance to the assembly room. The “Certificate of Occupancy” issued by the Building Official shall be available for review by the Fire Officials. No overcrowding shall be allowed. (Defined as exceeding the approved occupant load or crowding that blocks the means of egress.) A tracking system (hand counters or another method) that correctly reflects the number of people on the premises is to be maintained at all times. Entrance doors in all buildings open to the general public shall not be secured from the egress side during periods that the building is open to the general public. No storage of any kind (temporary or otherwise) is allowed to block exits, exit aisles, or exit discharges. All aisles leading to the exits and from the exits to the public way are to remain unobstructed at all times. Parking shall not obstruct exit discharges. All exits signs shall be visible and illuminated at all times the building is occupied. All egress lighting shall work as designed. All decorative materials shall be either non-combustible or flame-resistant in accordance with both large and small-scale flame test of NFPA 701. The interior finish of all structures shall be maintained as approved. No open flame (such as candles) shall be used without first obtaining approval and/or permit from the Fire Marshal’s office. All exhibits or trade shows are required to supply the Fire Marshal’s office a set of floor plans to be approved and signed at least 15 days before the event. All floor plans shall be drawn to scale and include the following information: Name and date of the event and expected capacity Number of spaces being used Dimensions and size of exhibits Exits Aisles and aisles widths Registration Areas Service Areas Entrances units (headers, kiosks, turnstiles, etc.) and dimensions Vehicles (interior vehicle display permit may be required) Covered exhibits, canopies, tents, enclosed or partially enclosed structures Cooking devices and demonstrations may require a permit when cooking devices are not protected with an approved hood suppression system. Stages and Seating Areas All fire protection systems to include additional life safety equipment. Exit doors shall not be hidden or obstructed at any time. The use of compressed flammable gases (acetylene, hydrogen, propane, and butane) inside the facility is prohibited (unless approved by the Fire Marshal office) while occupied by the general public. The use of cutting and welding equipment as part of an exhibit shall require approval and a permit from the Fire Marshal’s office. All combustible waste shall be stored in non-combustible containers and removed from the premises at least once a day. The use of any hazardous materials in exhibits requires the approval of the Fire Marshal and a request accompanied by the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be submitted to the Fire Marshal’s office at least 21 days before the event. 17. All cooking (as part of the event or supporting the event) shall be governed by the VSFPC and subject to a pre-event inspection by the fire code official. Download the Permit Application (14) Explosives and Blasting Permit Holder Guideline #14 PERMIT TITLE: Blasting/Explosives CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 5601.2 FEE: Payable to the City of Richmond: $300.00 to store explosives at an approved site from one day to one year $600.00 to blast where damage concerns beyond the site. An additional $50.00 is due during normal work hours for each witnessed blast after the initial event. SCOPE: Need permit to manufacture, store, handle, sell, or use explosives (See Permit Holder Guideline 21A and 21C for fireworks and special effects) PERMIT EXPIRATION: Operational Permit can be extended by the Fire Official. REQUIREMENTS: Apply for a permit at least 10 days before the event. Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, other applicable regulations, and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: The person in charge of blasting shall not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs which impair sensory or motor skills, shall be at least 21 years of age, and shall demonstrate knowledge of all safety precautions. Provide a site plan showing explosive storage, blast area, nearby structures, railroads, and utilities including underground). No use or store explosives within 100 feet of any place of habitation. Provide Certificate of Insurance listing the City of Richmond as "additional insured" (minimum value of $3 million dollars; with an insurance company licensed in Virginia). Document from the property owner authorizing and stating the reason for the explosive activity. Information on explosive materials, how to be used, and expected effects beyond blast area. Notify this office at least one workday before the event, do not detonate until approved. Secure storage and blast area from unauthorized personnel, post warning signs, and sound alarm before detonating. Use appropriate measuring devices and record effects of the blast, provide a copy of blast records to the Fire Marshal’s office within 60 days after the event. Download the Permit Application (15A) Fireworks Permit Holder Guideline #15 (A) PERMIT TITLE: Fireworks (Aerial) CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 5608.2.1 SCOPE: Need permit before discharging any fireworks within the City of Richmond FEE: $250.00 Payable to the City of Richmond PERMIT EXPIRATION: Duration of event. REQUIREMENTS: Apply for a permit at least 15 days before the event. All fireworks must be electronically ignited only (no hand firing). The manufacture of fireworks within the city is prohibited. Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, instructions noted on permit, and the following: Submit site plan showing fireworks area(s), (note the distance to) structures, roads, woods, parking, and audience area; description (including size) of fireworks, mortars, and ground or special displays. Include expected firing plan and transport vehicle description. Provide Certificate of Insurance covering the use of fireworks, listing the City of Richmond as "additional insured" (minimum face value of $3 million dollars, with an insurance company licensed in the State of Virginia). Submit a copy of the contract between the customer (sponsor) and contractor (fireworks company); including time, date, location of the event, authorization from the property owner (if not sponsor), and who will provide the materials and services to satisfy fireworks regulations. Submit name, contact information, and qualifications of contractor and technician (person responsible for fireworks activity, to be on-site during the event) and a copy of this, with technicians and customers (or agent) original signatures agreeing to comply with all regulations. Comply with NFPA 1123, 1126, and 1124, including appendix and references. Fire officials may require demonstration of any fireworks (hours or days before the show, on an approved site with secured safety zone, at expense of customer or contractor). Fire officials may require a meeting of parties on-site, days before the event. Keep unauthorized personnel safely away from fireworks (no smoking nearby). For every 100 shells, every 100 square feet of ground effects, or parts thereof, there shall be at least one 2.5 gallons pressurized water extinguisher ready in or near the display area. Allow fire officials to inspect mortars before loading. Mortars must be stable and in good condition. All aerial shells to be loaded, in individual mortars, at least 1 hour before scheduled discharge time; with wiring and all fireworks preparations completed at least 30 minutes before scheduled discharge time. *ALL AERIAL SHELLS TO BE ELECTRONICALLY IGNITED (no hand firing). Maximum of 40 shells per ignition. All to be as listed and described in the application package (see # 1); need fire official approval for changes. At least one adequate adult security staff shall be required for every 100 feet of "Safety Zone" perimeter that is not secured by approved physical barriers; in place before wiring of fireworks and maintained until area deemed safe afterward. The contractor and sponsor shall be available to fire official days and at least an hour before the event, to resolve all concerns before the fireworks will be allowed. At least a 15-minute safety cool-off period after the end of fireworks discharge. Late firings will not be allowed. All fireworks not discharged shall be properly removed from the site and the City within 24 hours after the event (expiration of permit). Fireworks to have approved security until removed. Packaging and transport vehicle is to be labeled per applicable codes. If any injury or damages, within 1 week, both the contractor and the sponsor (customer) shall submit reports to the fire official, including description, names (and means of contact) of the injured party, estimation of the cause of damage, and for repairs/treatments to resolve the condition, plus how safety will be improved to avoid future similar incidents. Sites, events, or fireworks of special concern will be subject to additional requirements. Any cleanup needed, as a result of the pyrotechnic device discharge, shall be the responsibility of the sponsor, agent, contractor, and/or technician. Chain-fused rack maximums: 3 inch shell or less = 15 mortars, 4 inch shell = 12 mortars, 5-6 inch = 10 mortars, no chain-fused racks for shells over 6 inches. Separation from the audience shall be 100 feet per inch of the diameter of the largest shell. All racks shall be perpendicular to the audience. NOTE: FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY REGULATION WILL BE CONSIDERED DUE CAUSE TO DENY OR REVOKE THE PERMIT OR STOP THE DISCHARGE OF FIREWORKS, AND MAY SUBJECT THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY TO LEGAL ACTION. VIOLATIONS OF THE FIRE CODE ARE CLASS 1 MISDEMEANOR, SUBJECT TO PENALTIES OF UP TO $2500 FOR EACH OFFENCE AND / OR UP TO A YEAR IN JAIL. Click Here to Download the Signature Page Download the Permit Application (15B) Pyrotechnics before a Proximate Audience (*Indoor*) Permit Holder Guideline #15 (B) PERMIT TITLE: Fireworks/Pyrotechnics Indoors CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 5608.2.2 SCOPE: Pyrotechnics in the performance arts in conjunction with theatrical, musical, or similar productions before a proximate audience, performers, or support personnel. FEE: $250.00 Payable to the City of Richmond PERMIT EXPIRATION: During the event only (Operational). REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions will be noted on permit, as well as the following: The permit holder shall furnish a cue sheet with detonation times and a plot plan showing all locations of devices. The Fire Marshal's office shall be furnished with a certificate of insurance, with a face value of a minimum of one million dollars showing the City of Richmond as an "additional insured". The certificate holder shall be provided no less than 15 days before the event for validation. The insurance shall cover pyrotechnic operations and the insurance company shall be licensed to do business in the State of Virginia. Submit name, contact information, qualifications, and certifications of contractor and technician. This person is responsible for the pyrotechnic activity and shall remain on-site during the event. The technician and customer's/agents original signatures are required to ensure the operation will comply with state and local regulations. The permit is issued upon completion of a live demonstration of each device that will be used during the event. Live demonstrations of the device(s) will be done between 3:00 pm & 4:00 pm unless prearranged at the time of application. All proximate audience displays shall comply with National Fire Protection Association Standards 1123 and 1126. All applications for proximate audience displays shall include plans indicating the required clearances for spectators and combustibles, crowd control measures, smoke control measures, and requirements for standby personnel and equipment when required by the fire code official. Persons in charge of pyrotechnics special effects operations shall be 21 years old, demonstrate knowledge in handling, storage, and use of pyrotechnic special effects materials and devices. The controller key shall be kept in the possession of the technician, except when firing. A room for storage of all pyrotechnic devices and products shall be provided by the venue with a key to secure the assigned area. All devices shall be pre-loaded before the show. Recharges may be installed during planned intermissions. Use only products that are in labeled containers and never exceed the manufacturer’s maximum recommended load. Any misfires shall be handled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. A minimum of two off-duty Fire Marshals or more when deemed necessary for life safety issues shall be employed by the promoter/venue for a minimum of four hours each, to monitor the production. Each pyrotechnic device fired during a performance shall be separated from the audience by at least 15 ft. but not by less than twice the fallout radius of the device. Click Here to Download the Signature Page Download the Permit Application (15C) Storage of Pyrotechnic Special Effects Materials Permit Holder Guideline #15 (C) PERMIT TITLE: Fireworks/Pyrotechnic Storage CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 5601.2 FEE: $200.00 (Check payable to the City of Richmond) SCOPE: An operational permit is required to display fireworks, including proximate audience displays and pyrotechnic special effects in motion picture, television, theatrical, and group entertainment productions. PERMIT EXPIRATION: During the times of the event only (operational). REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: The permit holder shall comply with all Federal, State, and City of Richmond guidelines for handling, storage, and use of pyrotechnic special effects materials. The Fire Marshal's office shall be furnished with a certificate of insurance, with a minimum of one million dollars ($1,000,000) showing the City of Richmond as "additional insured" as the certificate holder. The insurance shall cover pyrotechnic operations and the insurance company shall be licensed to do business in the State of Virginia. All handling and storage pyrotechnic special effects materials shall comply with the National Fire Protection Association Standards 1123, 1124, and 1126. All pyrotechnic special effects materials shall be in properly labeled containers to include Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each device. Persons in charge of pyrotechnics special effects operations shall be 21 years old, shall demonstrate knowledge of all safety precautions related to the handling, storage, or use of pyrotechnic special effects materials and devices. All pyrotechnic special effects materials and devices shall be stored in accordance with all state and local regulations promulgated by the Department of the Treasury---Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. No smoking, matches, open flame, or spark-producing devices shall be permitted within 50 feet of a pyrotechnic magazine. Combustible materials shall not be stored within 50 feet (15m) of a magazine. Secure storage of more than 5 pounds of low explosive fireworks contents, pyrotechnic, or similar materials in magazine monitored (by an automated system or staff with police powers) to promptly alert city Emergency Communications upon unauthorized opening. Download the Permit Application (17) Flammable and Combustible Liquids: Storage, Handling, Use & Process Permit Holder Guideline #17 PERMIT TITLE: Flammable and Combustible Liquids CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 3401.4 SCOPE: An operational permit required: 1. To use or operate a pipeline for the transportation within facilities of flammable or combustible liquids. This requirement shall not apply to the offsite transportation in pipelines regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) nor does it apply to piping systems. 2. To store, handle or use Class I liquids above 5 gallons (19 L) in a building or excess of 10 gallons (37.9L) outside of a building, except that a permit is not required for the following: 2.1. The storage or use of Class I liquids in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle, aircraft, motorboat, mobile power plant, or mobile heating plant, unless such storage, in the opinion of the fire official, would cause an unsafe condition. PERMIT EXCEPTIONS: Fuel in tanks connected to and used by a vehicle or oil-burning equipment. (See Guidelines # 18A or #18B for removal or closure of underground/above ground tank.) FEE: $250.00 Payable to the City of Richmond PERMIT EXPIRATION: ONE (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special stipulations noted on permit, as well as the following: Submit site plan for exterior storage and building floorplan for interior storage, sample MSDSs with a list of maximum expected quantity of each type of hazardous material, and a brief description of how used and safety provisions (including emergency procedures and fire protection systems). All containers must be approved for contents, properly labeled, and properly maintained. The proper disposal of empty containers and waste materials shall be documented. Containers and piping subject to damage from vehicular impact shall be adequately protected. Post signs and maintain NO SMOKING or open flames along with other advisories as need. Any leaks or spills will be reported immediately to the Fire Department by calling 911. Appropriate electrical bonding or grounding shall take place during liquid transfer. No flammable liquids in a basement, keep flammable or combustible liquids more than 3 feet below ceiling and sprinklers. Stay within the limit per control area or occupancy use per the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. All excess beyond 10 gallons for routine maintenance or operations shall be kept in approved liquid storage cabinets. Outdoor storage areas will be protected against tampering or trespassers where necessary and remain clear of weeds, debris, and other unneeded combustible materials. Additional fire code concerns apply if using such liquids for cleaning, dispensing from stationary or mobile tanks, within the piping system, bulk transfer, or additional permits might be required based upon details of operations and other materials. Download the Permit Application (18A) Underground Storage Tank Removal or Abandonment Permit Holder Guideline #18A PERMIT TITLE: Above Ground Storage Tank Removal CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 5704. & 5704.2.14.1 FEE: $45.00 fee for pre-permit inspection if seeking permission to leave the tank or piping in place. $45.00 for each above ground tank at the location. $45.00 for any additional visits to re-inspect tank site. PERMIT EXPIRATION: ONE (1) month from date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Any tank leaking or not used for more than one year MUST be removed. Tanks may be left in place with the prior approval of the Fire Marshal. Permits are written and issued on-site, as Fire Prevention personnel witness completion of tank removal. If a permit is issued to anyone other than the landowner, the person receiving the permit shall ensure that the landowner receives at least one copy of the said permit. Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special stipulations noted on the permit, as well as the following: Before ANY above ground tank is removed an inspection shall be scheduled through the Richmond Fire Prevention office AND a permit is required before removal. All flammable liquid storage tanks shall be degassed before removal. The tank shall be cleaned of contents if allowed to remain inside a building or crawl space. All removed tanks are to be disposed of properly. Tank contents to be properly disposed of. Tank contents, tank destination, soil sample, any contaminated soil reports, tank size, tank location, and date of abandonment are to be documented. All tank piping shall be removed or emptied of contents and permanently mitigated (i.e. capped or plugged) to ensure there are no remaining hazards. See Permit Holder Guideline #25 if plans include the use of flame or spark-producing equipment. The Richmond Fire Marshal’s Office suggests that landowners contact the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (629 E. Main St., Richmond, VA 23240; phone 804-648-4000 or 800-592-5482, https://www.deq.virginia.gov/) regarding regulations for commercial tanks, leaking tanks, and ground contamination concerns. Download the Permit Application (18B) Above Ground Tank Removal (updated 2020) Permit Holder Guideline #18B PERMIT TITLE: Underground Storage Tank Closure/Removal CODE SECTION: Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 5704. & 5704.2.14.1 FEE: $45.00 fee for pre-permit inspection if seeking permission to leave the tank or piping in place. $200.00 for each tank Payable to the City of Richmond $45.00 for any additional visits to re-inspect tank site after the first scheduled visit. SCOPE: Permit required to remove or abandon (including filling in place) an Underground Storage Tank (UST) used for combustible or flammable liquids. EXCEPTION: For residential heating oil tanks less than 1,000 gallons see addendum. PERMIT EXPIRATION: ONE (1) month from date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Any tank not used for more than one year, or with indication of leakage, shall be removed. Tanks may be left in place with the prior approval of the Fire Marshal. Permits are written and issued on site, as Fire Prevention personnel witness completion of tank removal. If a permit is issued to anyone other than the land owner, the person receiving the permit shall ensure that the land owner receives at least one copy of said permit. Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special stipulations noted on the permit, as well as the following: If applicant is seeking permission to abandon a tank in place, a pre-permit inspection shall be scheduled through the Fire Prevention office. Permit inspections shall be scheduled through the Fire Prevention office for tank removals, filling-in-place, or tank abandonment. All flammable liquid storage tanks shall be degassed prior to removal or cutting of tank. All removed tanks are to be disposed of properly. Tanks contents to be properly disposed. Destination for tank and liquid contents to be noted when applying for permit. Tanks which are not removed must be filled with an approved foam or flowable-fill cement. (see addendum). All above ground tank piping shall be removed, with remaining piping permanently capped or plugged below grade to prevent refilling. Record tank size, location and date of abandonment. ADDENDUM - Abandonment of residential heating oil tanks 1,000 gallons or less: Owners may request to abandon residential heating oil tanks of 1,000 gallons or less by filling with an approved inert solid. Requests are subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal or his/her designee. The Richmond Fire Marshal’s Office suggests that landowners contact the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (629 E. Main St., Richmond, VA 23240; phone 804-648-4000 or 800-592-5482, https://www.deq.virginia.gov/) regarding regulations for commercial tanks, leaking tanks, and ground contamination concerns. Download the Permit Application (19) Flammable Finishes (updated 2020) Permit Holder Guideline #19 PERMIT TITLE: Floor Finishing CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 2410 FEE: $200.00 Payable to the City of Richmond) SCOPE: An operational permit is required for floor finishing or surfacing operations exceeding 350 square feet (33m) using Class I or Class I liquids). PERMIT EXPIRATION: Operational REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special stipulations noted on permit, as well as the following: Heating ventilation and air-conditioning systems shall not be operated during resurfacing or refinishing operations within 4 hours of the application. Floor surfacing and finishing operations shall not be conducted while an establishment is open to the public The power shall be shut down to all electrical sources of ignition within the flammable vapor area To prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors, mechanical ventilation at a minimum rate of 1 cubic foot per minute per square foot. Vapors shall be exhausted to the exterior of the building by a non-sparking device At least (1) 4A-20-B: C rated portable fire extinguisher shall be located within 20 feet (towards the exit). No open flame or spark-producing devices shall be within 20 feet of spray space or vapor area (only approved electrical and heating devices allowed within a spray or vapor area) Existing built-in fire protection to be maintained. Submit floor plan (showing vapor area, potential ignition sources, openings to adjoining internal areas and items/areas of concern), MSDS for liquids to be used, description of operation and safety provisions (including emergency procedures, after-hours contacts, and equipment) with a document from the building's owner agreeing to such operations "No Smoking" signs shall be posted near spray space or vapor area and all safety procedures shall be enforced. Download the Permit Application (20) Fruit and Crop Ripening (updated 2020) Permit Holder Guideline #20 PERMIT TITLE: Fruit and Crop Ripening CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 2501.2 FEE: $200.00 Payable to the City of Richmond SCOPE: An operational permit is required to operate a fruit – or crop-ripening facility or conduct a fruit-ripening process using ethylene gas. EXCEPTION: Mixtures of ethylene and one or more inert gases in concentrations that prevent the gas from reaching greater than 25 percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL) when released to the atmosphere. PERMIT EXPIRATION: ONE (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special stipulations noted on permit, as well as the following: Ethylene gas shall be discharged only into approved rooms or enclosures designed and constructed for this purpose. Valves controlling the discharge of ethylene shall provide positive and fail-closed control of flow and shall be set to limit the concentration of gas in air below 1,000 parts per million (ppm). Sources of ignition shall be controlled or protected. Electrical wiring and equipment, including lighting fixtures, shall be approved for use in Class I, Division 2, Group C hazardous (classified) locations. Lighting shall be by approved electric lamps or fixtures only. Heating shall be by indirect means utilizing low-pressure steam, hot water, or warm air. Exception: Electric or fuel-fired heaters approved for use in hazardous (classified) locations, installed and operated per the ICC Electrical Code, the International Mechanical Code, or the International Fuel Gas Code. Containers, piping, and equipment used to dispense ethylene shall be bonded and grounded to prevent the discharge of static sparks or arcs. Empty boxes, cartons, pallets, and other combustible waste shall be removed from ripening rooms or enclosures and disposed of at regular intervals. Approved warning signs indicating the danger involved and necessary precautions shall be posted on all doors and entrances to the premises. Download the Permit Application (21) Fumigation - Insecticidal (updated 2020) Permit Holder Guideline #21 PERMIT TITLE: Fumigation – Insecticidal Fogging CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 2601.2 FEE: $300.00 for warehouse/complex and apartments, $200.00 for one or two family detached home, $200.00 for Confined area/vaults, $100.00 Thermal Insecticide Payable to the City of Richmond. SCOPE: Need a permit from this office to do fumigation OR thermal insecticidal fogging within the City of Richmond (includes any use of gas, vapor, mist, fume or a similar process hazardous to humans within an enclosed space, for pest control). PERMIT EXPIRATION: Duration of activity for A, B, E, I, M, or R use occupancies; up to annual for F, H, S, or U use occupancies and special enclosures as approved. REQUIREMENTS: Apply for permit at least 10 days before event (with fee and 1 - 5 below). Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: Material Safety Data Sheet about fumigant.* Description of pest control process, including sealing of enclosed space to be affected, maintenance of existing fire protection systems, emergency procedures and after the event ventilation of affected rooms and adjoining enclosed spaces.* Sample of placard and emergency contact information. * Letter signed by owner (or person responsible for) of the building, requesting hazardous activity.* Certificate of insurance, when permit issued to party other than building owner and only tenant. Only people trained in use of fumigant are allowed in affected area during event. PLACARD ALL ENTRANCES to affected areas before event (remove after area made safe). The Fire Code Official shall be notified in writing not less than 48 hours before these spaces are closed in connection with the utilization of any toxic or flammable fumigant to include the location and approximate duration. Copy of the permit, MSDS and emergency contacts to be readily available on site during event. Open flames and other ignition sources shall be eliminated within affected area during event; only approved heat and electricity needed for fire protection system and special fans, may be on. Affected areas to be secured to prevent unauthorized entry during event with perimeter monitored by trained watch personnel (with #8 items: appropriate emergency rescue breathing apparatus and means to communicate emergency to city 911). Properly ventilate affected areas before un-securing or allowing others to occupy. The use of carbon disulfide and hydrogen cyanide shall be restricted to agricultural fumigation only. *Indicates that item must be submitted with the permit application. Download the Permit Application (22) Hazardous Materials (updated 2020) Permit Holder Guideline #22 PERMIT TITLE: Hazardous Materials CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) 5001.5 FEE: $200.00 Payable to the City of Richmond) – ** (Per Warehouse) SCOPE: An operational permit is required to store, transport on-site, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials. PERMIT EXPIRATION: ONE (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: Submit a Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement, a Hazardous Materials Management Plan, and a written emergency plan; and have available on site. Materials shall be properly stored and marked, plus hazard identification signs posted at the entry to those areas (NFPA 704). Material Safety Data Sheets (or reliable, quick electronic data) for all materials there shall be available on site. Approved 'No Smoking' signs (include symbol) shall be posted. Secure areas from unauthorized access, and separate incompatible materials. The area around outdoor storage shall be clear of combustible materials and vegetation for over 25 feet (30 feet for dispensing site). Safeguard containers from damage (including vehicular impact). Hazardous Materials in any quantity shall not be released into any sewer, storm drain, ditch, drainage canal, stream, river, lake, or tidal waterway nor on the ground, sidewalk, street, and highway or into the atmosphere. Where a release of hazardous materials gas or vapor would cause immediate harm to persons or property, means of mitigating the dangerous effects shall be provided by the property owner/company. Perform periodic audits to verify compliance with safety requirements. Personnel responsible for the operation of areas where hazardous materials are used or stored shall be familiar with the chemical nature and the appropriate mitigating actions necessary in the event of a leak, spill, or fire. Building’s safety features required by building code shall be maintained. Inspection and discussion of complexities of hazards and code applications will address more details. Download the Permit Application (23) HPM Facilities (updated 2020) Permit Holder Guideline #23 PERMIT TITLE: Hazardous Production Materials (HPM) CODE SECTION: (2015 Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) /107.2/Chapter 50 SCOPE: Prevention Control and mitigation to dangerous condition related to storage dispensing, use and handling hazardous material. Maintain qualities IAW the Building Code. Chapter 50 applies to all hazardous material including those materials regulated elsewhere in the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. Specific requirements shall apply in Chapter 50 and IAW other applicable chapters in the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. FEE: $200.00 (Fee’s payable to the City of Richmond) PERMIT EXPIRATION: One (1) year from date issued REQUIREMENTS: An operational permit is required to store, transport on site, dispense, use or handle hazardous materials in excess of the amounts listed in Chapter 50 and others. Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on the permit, as well as the following: Th Persons responsible for the operational areas shall be trained and familiar with chemical nature materials for mitigation of fires, leaks or spills. Preplanning emergency responses shall aid the fire department to the location of the hazardous material. Submit fire safety and evacuation plans, list of hazardous materials by quantities, site plan (noting locations of hazardous materials, and safety devices, including controls), how to contact key staff if emergency, and have copy available on site. The Hazardous Material Management Plan shall include: Access to each storage and use area Location of emergency equipment Location of where the liaison will meet emergency responders Facilities evacuation meeting point The general purpose of other areas within the building Location of all above – ground and underground tanks and their apparatus including, but not limited to sumps, vaults, below-grade treatment systems and piping The hazard classes in each area Location of all controlled areas and Group H occupancies Emergency exits Maintain a record quarterly drills conducted on-site emergency response team(s) All hazardous material containers, including carts and trucks shall be properly stored and marked. A hazardous identification sign located at the entrance area per (NFPA 704) shall be in clear view. Material Safety Data Sheets (or reliable, quick electronic data) for all hazardous materials shall be made available on site. Hazardous materials of any quantity shall not be released into any waterway, storm drain, river, lake, ground, side walk, street or into the atmosphere. The persons firm, or cooperation responsible for these unauthorized discharges shall institute and complete all actions necessary to remedy or the effects of such discharges. Such clean – up shall be the responsibility of the owner, firm, individual associated cost. Building’s safety features required by building code shall be maintained. Inspection and discussion of complexities of hazards and code applications will address more details. Download the Permit Application (24) High-piled Storage (updated 2020) Permit Holder Guideline #24 PERMIT TITLE: High-Piled Combustible Storage CODE SECTION: (2015 Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) Chapter 32 SCOPE: Maintenance and operational aspects of high-piled combustible storage shall be IAW Chapter 32, in addition to the requirements of chapter 32, the following material-specific requirements shall apply: Aerosols IAW Chapter 57 Flammable and combustibles liquids IAW Chapter 57 Hazardous materials IAW Chapter 50 Storage of Combustible paper records IAW NFPA 13 Storage of combustible fibers IAW Chapter 37 General Storage of combustible material IAW Chapter 3 FEE: $200.00 (Fees payable to the City of Richmond) PERMIT EXPIRATION: Annual Permit 1 year after issued REQUIREMENTS: An operational permit is required to use a building or portion thereof as a high-piled storage area exceeding 500 square feet. Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on permit, as well as the following: Where required by the fire ode official, an evacuation plan for public accessible areas and a separate set of plans indicting location and width of aisles, exits, access doors, exit signs, height of storage and hazardous materials. This plan shall be submitted at the time of permit application for review and approval. After approval of such plan, a copy shall be maintained and remain on the premises. Chapter 37 and sections 3203 through 3203.7.4 lays out the commodity classification as a class I, II, III, IV or high hazard IAW sections enclosed. Classification of plastics shall be designated as Group A, B and C IAW chapter 32. High-piled storage areas shall be maintained IAW the building code requirements. Housekeeping and maintenance includes the structural integrity of racks, clearance shall prohibited from ignition sources. Smoking with is prohibited, Approved “No Smoking” signs shall be conspicuously posted. Racks shall be maintained. Aisles shall be kept clear of storage, waste materials and debris when not restocking. Fire Department access shall not be obstructed. Manual restocking operations require a minimum of unobstructed aisles of 24 inches and shall maintain 48 inches in smaller aisles. Unobstructed aisles widths of one-half (½) of the required aisle width shall be maintained if greater than 48 inches. Mechanical stocking of unobstructed aisles shall maintain 44 inches. All fire protection and life safety systems/features for high-piled storage areas shall be maintained. These systems include but are not limited to sprinkler systems, standpipe systems and heat/smoke alarms etc. Download the Permit Application (25) Hot Works Operations (updated 2020) Permit Holder Guideline #25 PERMIT TITLE: Hot Works (Using Arc, Spark, or Flame Producing Devices) CODE SECTION: (Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) Chapter 35 SCOPE: Welding, cutting, open torches, grinding, brazing, torch-applied roofing systems, or similar activities not limited to the above involving exposed arcing, sparks, flames, etc. FEE: (All fees are payable to the City of Richmond) [A] $100.00; Temporary pre-approved site(s) are site-specific [B] $200.00; City-wide, self-employed, independent, commercial contractor, etc. This permit allows for work throughout the City but is required at each location. PERMIT EXPIRATION: One (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instruction noted on the permit. An operational permit is required for hot work including, but not limited to: Public exhibitions and demonstrations where hot work is conducted Use of portable hot work equipment inside structure Exception: Work that is conducted under construction Fixed –site hot work equipment such as welding booths Hot work conducted within a hazardous fire area Application of roof covering with the use of an open – flame devices When approved, the fire code official shall issue a permit to carry out a Hot Work Program. This program allows approved personnel to regulate their facility’s hot work operations. The approved personnel shall be trained in fire safety aspects denoted in this chapter and shall be responsible for issuing permits requiring compliance with the requirements found in this chapter. These permits shall be issued only to their employees or hot work operations under their supervision. Fire safety requirements: protection of combustible hot work areas shall not contain combustibles and shall be provided with appropriate shielding openings or cracks in walls, floors ducts, or shafts. These hot work areas shall be tightly covered preventing sparks. Good housekeeping shall be kept clean within the hot work area. Hot works shall not be performed on containers or equipment that contain or have contained flammable liquids, gases, or solids. These containers shall be cleaned thoroughly purged, or inerted. Any “hot tapping” shall be conducted by a certified individual. Combustibles within six (6) inches of operations, 30 feet of hot embers, or sparking tools shall be protected by the provide method. A current certificate of insurance shall be on file in the Fire Marshal’s office. A copy of the requester’s insurance policy shall be given to the Fire Marshal’s Office and list them as the certificate holder. Submit a written safety procedure that lists operations being conducted to the Fire Marshal’s office and make available a copy for review at each job site. At least (1) 2A-20BC fire extinguisher shall be within 30 feet of the operator of the hot work, a 3A-40B, for a torch-applied roof system. Where combustibles are within 30 feet; a water hose is connected to a water supply. That water supply shall exceed 100 feet and a flow-controlled nozzle within five (5) of the operator. Two (2) 2 ½ gallon pressurized water extinguishers may be substituted with prior approval. A sign shall be posted (CAUTION) Hot Works in progress; persons not performing any work shall maintain a safe distance of no less than 10 feet where hot work is being conducted There is a required fire that shall be performed for a minimum of 60 minutes, additional instruction will be given as outline above should that be necessary. Download the Permit Application (26) Liquid Petroleum Gases (updated 2020) Permit Holder Guideline #26 PERMIT TITLE: Liquefied Petroleum Gases CODE SECTION: (2015 Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) Chapter 61 SCOPE: Storage handling and Transportation of liquefied petroleum gas LP-gas and the installation of LP-gas equipment pertinent to systems for uses shall comply with Chapter 61 and NFPA 58. Properties of LP-gas shall be determined in accordance with Appendix (B) of NFPA 58 FEE: $200.00 Payable to the City of Richmond PERMIT EXPIRATION: One (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: An operational permit is required for storage and use of LP-gas as outlined in Section 107.2. Distributors, shall not fill containers where a permit is required unless the installation has been issued one for location by the fire code official. All permit holders shall abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, and NFPA 58 along with any special instructions noted on the permit Where construction is taking place and a single container of LP-gas is more than 2000 gallons in water capacity and the aggregate water capacity and the container is more than 4000 gallons the contractor shall submit construction documents to the fire code official. LP-gas containers located in buildings shall comply with Chapter 61 and additional code Sections outlined in the (VSFPC), portable LP-gas containers shall not be used in buildings and other areas i.e. basements, or similar locations above-grade underfloor spaces where heavier-than-air gas might collect. These locations have to be approved by the fire code official. Group F occupancies, portable LP-gas containers are allowed to be used to supply quantities necessary for processing, research, or experimentation. The aggregate water capacity for such containers shall not exceed 735 pounds. Where several manifold containers in the same room, they shall be separated by a distance not less than 20 feet. Group E and I facilities where LP-gas containers are allowed to be used for research, and experimentation shall not be used in classrooms. Such containers shall not exceed 50 pounds of water capacity in facilities used for educational purposes, and shall not exceed 12 pounds for institutional purposes. If these containers are in the same room, each container shall be separated by a distance not less than 20 feet. No “smoking “signs complying with (Section 310 of the VSFPC) shall be posted where required by the fire code official. LP-gas tanks shall maintain a distance of not less than 10 feet from weeds, tall grass, brush, trash, and other combustibles. LP-gas containers store in buildings are complying with Chapter 61 and associated sections shall not be located near exit doors, exits, stairways, or in areas normally used or intended to be used as a means of egress. A site plan identifying the location of LP-gas is required, an emergency evacuation plan is required and is subject to review by the fire code official. Emergency contacts shall be placed in a secure Knox-box and should be readily available for responding to fire companies. All LP-gas apparatus to include all attachments shall be protected to prevent damage from tampering and marked appropriately. Treat all empty containers as if they are containing flammable gas, before purging or released into the atmosphere, or removal of such tanks shall be coordinate with the fire code official. DOT cylinders are inspected and refilled on site one year after manufactured and every 5 years thereafter. Maintain at least a 4A-40B: C rated portable fire extinguisher every 15 to 30 feet depending on the facility's square footage. Download the Permit Application (27) Lumberyard-Woodworking Plants (updated 2020) Permit Holder Guideline #27 PERMIT TITLE: Lumber Yards and Argo-Industrial Solid Biomass and Woodworking Facilities CODE SECTION: (2015 Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code) Chapter 28 SCOPE: The storage manufacturing and processing of solid biomass feedstock, timber, lumber, plywood, veneers, and Argo-industrial by-products shall be in accordance with (IAW) chapter 28. FEE: $200.00 Payable to the City of Richmond PERMIT EXPIRATION: One (1) year from the date issued. REQUIREMENTS: An operational permit is required for the storage or processing of lumber exceeding 100,000 board feet Permit holder agrees to abide by the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and any special instructions noted on the permit, as well as the following: